Now, I don't know if this game was infact announced and I just missed the announcment or something, but this really caught my eye.
Basically, if you go onto the PS Store and download the video "PLAYSTATION3 E3 2008 Sizzle Video (HD 720)" which was the little montage of PS3 games that Sony showed in their press conference, and skip to 2 minutes and 37 seconds, you will get a small glimpse of a very interesting looking character in this black muscle suit with red... stuff pulsing through the suit as he jumps and flys straight up into the sky.
Apparently, saw the same thing as I did, except instead of noticing it in Sony's press conference, they accidentally caught sight of it being demo'd behind closed doors.
So apparently, on my way to lunch I spot that a bunch of SCEA people are gathering outside those same doors we took footage of for the inFamous gameplay (unshown on video) as seen in this video here.
I asked a woman named Mary M (something) of SCEA, and she told me it's a completely different meeting from the one they did yesterday (which we were not allowed to film). I saw a bit of this game as the room opened for the set up crew. It's a man in a black suit…Crysis like…flying? No clue.
A whole new game…why the hell didn't they just show this during the E3 conference? I peer upon the names of some of the exclusive people who are seeing it. Some are barely sites at all and most are from radio or newspapers. Go figure.
Whatever this mysterious game is, we'll find out and have our ninjas ready.
So guys... is this some top secret game, or was it announced at another publishers conference that I missed?
This is just speculation, and me putting 2 and 2 together, but...
Just because no new exclusives (other than MAG) were announced at the Sony Press Conference doesn't mean Sony wasn't showing off new exclusive(s)
Myself, and Chris Rah Osiris witnessed a special closed door showing of new PS3 exclusive(s) in the works.
NDA's were signed.
This is basically just a heads up to let the Sony fans out there know there is more on the way.
Playstation Lifesty1e
I found the video online. IGN.
The clip in question is at 2 minutes and 38 seconds on the IGN video. And of course, the camera kind of cuts back to the crowd RIGHT AS clip comes on. Almost as if this was planned between Sony and the press, perhaps? If you were watching this montage live on TV or online, you would have missed it if you blinked.
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