Remember The strike series? the series where you got to be a plane blow up a bunch of stuff and keep having fun? well if they are making a remake of the series please make it like this:
Secret Strike
Story mode: (follow up to Soviet Strike) STRIKE is a independent army and secret intelligeince that are called Criminals, Terrorist ,And outlaws but in reality they are just doing what they gotta do.....on the hunt for the Shadowmen They have Stolen millions of millitary equipment around the world millions stolen to fight the battles we can not.....Now that the shadowmen have returned and have formed The Outer Nations Collision, A terrorist group which has terrorist from all of the outer nations (The outer nations are the nations that are Overseas) The STRIKE Forces will defie the Laws of war to save millions of lives that are at stake....
Gameplay: First Person Shooter Vehicle combat Pilot tons of different vehicles Attack Helicopters, attack boats , humvees , and tanks,
Multiplayer mode ( at least one i can think of): Hunter mode this mode requires tons of teamwork and skill there are 5 different classes Helicopters, Tanks , Humvees , Attack Boats , And gunner. Helicopters can fire machine guns and rockets , Tanks can of course use machineguns and tank shells , Humvees have only a machine gun and can carry gunners but the machine gun is able to tank down a attack boat. Attack boats can have motars machineguns and also carry gunners , Gunners can not drive or pilot any vehicles they are able to get in vehicles and use guns that the pilot or driver cant uses, they can use LMGS, Rocket launchers, Assualt rifles , Explosive crossbows and sniper rifles and are very reliable in any vehicle and get the job done fast Gunners can not run on land or swim in water either.
Hunter mode is basically Hardcore TDM But with Vehicles only
So time to vote Say OK If you like this or say OK but make a suggestion If you dont like it at all Say NO And make a suggestion i will read them all and send a email to a Game developer who would like to develop this game
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