So last Thursday, I invited a coworker over to have some wholesome good ol gaming and beer. He is a die-hard PS3 fanboy, while I practically break out in hives if I get too close to anything with Sony branded on it. But he and I had been debating which was best for a long time now, and we agreed to loan eachother the competing consoles. He got my Xbox 360 and Gears of War and Halo 3 (two games that pretty much define Xbox gaming) and in turn, he loaned me his PS3 with MGS4, Drakes Fortune, and Motorstorm plus a few Blu Rays.
Now personally I think it's an unfair judgment on my 360 for me, because I don't have a console with HDMI hooked up, like his PS3 was to my HDTV. But I must say, that PS3 graphics are amazing. Not better than 360's, because in my opinion it's the developer, not the platform that paints the masterpiece. I beat Drakes Fortune in about 8 hours time, and that game was pretty fun, in fact I'd rate it somewhere around a 7 out of 10 ( however, being as the entire game had NO load time and seemed like ONE giant level, I'm tempted to give it a 10) . Motorstorm was pretty nifty, but still hard to control and plagued with load times.
And now the review that I will either be hated on for or admired... MGS4! Now, at the time of me writing this, I am at the beginning of Act 2, but I don't think I will be able to finish the game any time soon due to having to fly out of state on Wednesday, which means my buddy and I are exchanging each other's consoles back. But MGS for is simply gorgeous. Pretty funny in parts, and literally makes me feel for the characters (as did MGS 1 and 2; 3 I never beat so I don't feel anything, too much grass :D j/k). There really should be MORE game directors like Hideo Kojima out there for Wii, 360, and PC alike. Though the complaints I have are probably the same others share on this game, I still feel need to mention them... That being said, it feels like I can't play 5 minutes without there being another cutscene, and long at that! And sometimes the loading can be annoying, especially when I first had to install the game to get to Act 2. But so far, that's my complaints. It seems everything I hated about MGS 1, 2, and 3 as far as a few mechanics go, everything seemed to be fixed to near perfection.
So there you have it, proof that an XBox "Only" gamer can enjoy both sides. But I do still have issues with the PS3 as a console. Such as you have to exit a game to stick another one in. And it also doesn't seem too simple to share music, pics, or movies to it from a pc. I am starting to let the XMB UI grow on me, but I refuse to enjoy the symphony that plays when you power on the console. Also, if you so much as smudge a disc before you load it in to this thing, it never loads. And in fact, it locked up 3 times on me because of this. And it feels like my friggin' wrists are going to break when I go to pack it up to give it back. Maybe I am just getting old ^_^.
So in closing, I do still plan on getting a PS3, but not for specific games anymore, but because I enjoyed it about as much as I enjoy my 360. Though as I see what I just wrote, I know I won't buy games that are multiplatform on PS3 over the 360, because I enjoy XBox Live so much. And for the record, my buddy who loaned me his PS3 loves my XBox 360 and had the feelings I had for his new appreciation.
Halo 3 haters obviously never played Rocket Race, or else they would see how much insane genius is in the bloody game. :)
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