You guys do know that they have nothing to do with Condemned right? They just publish it as in put their name on the cover and distribute to the stores on behalf of WARNER BROS. and the Developer that it owns named Monolith. Monolith made them, and during their development of the Matrix Online, the head of Monolith took a job at their partners Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment which is now called something else, when he was head of WBIE, they then bought out his old company Monolith that they were making a couple projects with, that being the MXO MMO and Condemned franchise. Warner Bros. owns it, so if there were to ever be a movie, guess who's making it? SEGA has nothing to do with anything other than being a Publisher as with most their games in the last few years, they outsource development to third parties on franchises that they own as well. The arcade industry in Japan has seen it lose a lot of money and many arcades shut down last year as well, and if you goto Gameworks, there's not much in the way of innovation or anything new for that matter. They have had great games like Shenmue which never sold well, but were always great, and it's spiritual successor known Ryu Go Gotaku or Yakuza, which is amazing. People like Capcom have been awesome in trying to revitialize the arcade market by releasing games like Street Fighter IV to arcades before consoles for example. But yeah Monolith made Condenmed, before SEGA ever got in the picture, in fact they were also the publisher for the Matrix Online. Being a publisher doesn't mean these games are their's, it means they sell it for these people who actually do make it. Monolith made games for WB who in turn had Sega sell it in the stores for them. My whole point being that Sega really needs to start making their own games, and needs to start getting their very few gems stateside, in particular Yakuza 3.
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