@mjorh said:
Great! Conan also bought it for me :D
The more I play it the more I understand why you love the game, it's simply amazing, may even be the best H&S game I've ever played.
Now I'm wondering how Bayo 2 has improved upon this one, besides graphics of course.
It has and it hasn't.
Controls are more responsive, they mix up the cadence to be a tad slower because the animation gives this notion that Bayonetta hits a bit harder because she really winds up for some of the final hits, enemies sell attack animations even better. The different weapons are more varied (less guns by default) and all around are a blast to use (except for the bow, I actually think it's a waste as a punch slot weapon). I can't say I don't disagree with people who like the Bayo 2 whip more, it is more in line with how natural the other weapons feel, but I do think it loses what made it distinct in Bayonetta 1, and in Bayo 1 it took some ingenuity to really make it work out.
The enemy variation is way better (less recycling bosses), more bosses, a more vibrant color palette (though I maintain that people who think Bayonetta 1 has poor art direction, are fucking wrong and have no eye for artistic cohesion, they just like pretty colors and tell people they like good art direction), the mix ups are more enjoyable as the shooter level is actually fun, the on rails sequence are good, and the mech is fun to use. Plus no bullshit turret sequence, the **** was Kamiya on with that one?
On the flip side Bayonetta 2's higher level game is inferior to Bayonetta 1 and it is noticeable
-Angel items in Bayo 1 have multiple attacks or at least 2, they have 1 attack in the sequel.
-No Taunt offset
-You can't launch people unless you're in Witch Time or using Umbran Climax
-You don't lose magic meter for being hit
-There is no score reduction for not finishing combos
-You can't extend witchtime by attacking like in one
-You do less damage when out of witch time in Bayo 2
-Umbran Climax while feeling like a natural fit, undermines basically everything else you use the magic meter for. Making torture attacks and accessory effects pointless.
Some people also prefer the more consistent nature of combat in Bayo 1, Be it underwater or in the air, you have your entire kit, and you have to work around stuff. On the flip side underwater combat in Bayo 2 feels floaty (duh), and in the air while it is less airy feeling since they normalize your inertia a bit to turn it to a glorified ground battle but visually you're in the air, you do have some kit restrictions to make that work. But, those air sequences are hype as **** in Bayonetta 2, so go figure.
So a lot of ways that Bayonetta 2 is "worse" is very inside baseball, and is there for people who really love these type of games for replaying and player expression through combat. But even on a more casual level, while I think most will and rightfully should prefer the smoother, more refined, and more varied sequel. I think the first game has better build up for its insanity. Bayonetta 2 can feel boss rushy, to the tune where I'd compare it to how people say Saints Row 3 and 4 have so much bat shit insane stuff happening, that it's white noise (still way the **** better than shitty ass Saints Row 2, but what can you do). Where as Bayonetta 1 has more proper pacing for its insanity, plus it doesn't help that Bayonetta 2's finale lacks the hype levels of Bayo 1's finale since it feels like a retread.
Oh and somehow Yugi Moto is more annoying than Cereza, albeit I never had a problem with Cereza, just thought the story was shit and needed way less exposition.
Die pls.
The Witch trials being separated also sort of fixes Conan's issue, but really Bayonetta should have its Angel Slayer+ a bloody palace equivalent. Oh and a turbo mode. Oh and a Legendary Dark Knight mode equivalent now that we PC.
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