so a couple of my freinds that had ps3's sold them to get the new xbox, i am considering to do the same, but im not totally sure yet what do you think?
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so a couple of my freinds that had ps3's sold them to get the new xbox, i am considering to do the same, but im not totally sure yet what do you think?
so a couple of my freinds that had ps3's sold them to get the new xbox, i am considering to do the same, but im not totally sure yet what do you think?
No. Why would you go from hd exclusives to sub hd exclusives? not to mention, you lose teh cell. also, no blu ray or rrod or aaaae exclusives. xbox is big waste of money. then again, it could be worse, you could be going to a wii :D
All three systems are worth owning, but only if you're adding to your collection, not selling one to buy another.Yeah, most threads about trading in/selling a system to get another is usually BS. I don't know why anyone would even ask this question is System Wars if they really were considering it.personally i think you lying and are just trying to get a rise out of fanboys on both sides to be to honest even if you were telling the truth nobody cares either way
well im not liying and i cant afford to just straight up buy a xbox so im saying is it worth selling my ps3 to get an xbox
Then get one of the older models. An Arcade Spring Bundle can be found for $150 with $50 gift card or $130 with a $50 gift card. An Elite Spring Bundle costs $250 everywhere.well im not liying and i cant afford to just straight up buy a xbox so im saying is it worth selling my ps3 to get an xbox
well im not liying and i cant afford to just straight up buy a xbox so im saying is it worth selling my ps3 to get an xbox
Who knows? We don't know your tastes or habits and can't determine if you'd prefer the library.
Look at it's exclusives and decide if they're for you, if not, then don't buy it.
well im not liying and i cant afford to just straight up buy a xbox so im saying is it worth selling my ps3 to get an xbox
did u think it was worth buying an xbox five days ago because other than a new case nothing has changed
No, they added Wi-fi and a 250 GB HDD. Though, the Wi-fi should have been added earlier, and most people won't need more than 120 GB.there was an article on kotaku last month I believe discussing if buying a new console at this time is worth it.
it was all opinion-based but I found myself agreeing with the points
it said, if you own a wii, but no ps3 or 360, that it's still worth to pick up either a PS3 or 360.
if you have a ps3 and wii and were deciding to pick up a 360, it's not worth it and vice versa with 360/wii and buying a ps3. They said, with the exception of a few exclusives, it's generally all the same games on both consoles (PS360).
basically you'll be trading your system to play the same games, unless you trade your system for a Wii (which IMO you shouldn't because I only see Wii as a complementary console).
as for exclusives, you'll at least be able to play halo, gears, and alan wake but you'll be missing out on killzone, demon's souls, uncharted, god of war, heavy rain, and the newer exclusives like twisted metal and the last guardian.
keep in mind that this was before the e3 conferences.
ya i do like the exclusives more on the xbox and the reason i would like to get the new one is because i would think it would be more reliable
and also most of my freinds have xbox's so it would be nice to play with them and i cant do that with the ps3 because i do not know a lot of people who have one
That would be a couple of my freinds that had ps3's sold them to get the new xbox, i am considering to do the same, but im not totally sure yet what do you think?
I wouldnt, Microsoft really isnt doin too hot now as far as announcing new games goes, true you got reach Gears 3 and Crackdown 2 comin out fairly soon but outside of that they dont have anything for a while
You don't know how reliable the new 360 is. It could just be a little more reliable than the older 360s, in which case it might be better to get the older ones with a 3-year warranty instead of a 1-year warranty. It's better to wait a while and see whether there will be a new, cheaper model; and to see if a significant amount of people experience problems with the 360 S Model.ya i do like the exclusives more on the xbox and the reason i would like to get the new one is because i would think it would be more reliable
It seems like you've made up your mind, so there's no reason to ask us.and also most of my freinds have xbox's so it would be nice to play with them and i cant do that with the ps3 because i do not know a lot of people who have one
ya thats true to wait i little, i would realy like to just have both but im not exactley loaded with cash right now
haha dude ill give you that,but believe it or not my friends are not imaginary. ill say this it was stupid of me to post this but i did get some good intake, i probably should have reworded the question
your ridiculous, there is no difference between exclusives, the only difference is the better game play on the 360. If you prefer the 360's exclusives, then get a 360. If you feel like you've already played what the ps3 has to offer then whats the harm of switching it and playing the exclusives the 360 has to offer. I mean.. nothing is coming out for the ps3 until at least next year. maybe by then you'll have both.your going to be disapointed with the low quality 360 games. blocky and flat texturesacross all their "exclusives", im not lying i have one and want to sell it to get a wii
your going to be disapointed with the low quality 360 games. blocky and flat texturesacross all their "exclusives", im not lying i have one and want to sell it to get a wii
your going to be disapointed with the low quality 360 games. blocky and flat texturesacross all their "exclusives", im not lying i have one and want to sell it to get a wii
I find that pretty funny.
Your dissing the 360 graphics but your thinking of downgrading the graphics?
This is funny.
Yeah go for it, but you will be labeled an SW fan name since you are following your friends. :Pso a couple of my freinds that had ps3's sold them to get the new xbox, i am considering to do the same, but im not totally sure yet what do you think?
so a couple of my freinds that had ps3's sold them to get the new xbox, i am considering to do the same, but im not totally ...
I'm calling shenanigans on this one.
are you saying he doesn't have friends? Harsh man. :)Any sentence that starts with "so" and precends with selling a console is usually shenanigans:P
lol interesting thread... I honestly thought about it but I invested so much into my ps3 as it is I don't wanna start back over from scratch. I know some people will say buy 2 consoles but I am just a 1 console man. Unless gamestop came out with some baggin deal only for ps3 owners lmao.. but for real anyone sellin there ps3 for the new 360 is brave...don't think I could do that.. for the lack of a XMB and music app and my interest in SC:C ive been tempted but nothing more then that.. I invested over by now 500 bucks into the ps3 if I traded this into gamestop for 100-150 I would be a fool and should be banned from gaming for life, no matter the reason.
I personally wouldn't do it, even though my ps3 gets next to no game play time, its still my dedicated bluray player and video file player. I play dvds on my 360 via its hd dvd addon *regardless of comparisons my 360 via my hd dvd drive just seems to do better at upscaling dvds and such* and my 360 gets the netflix playtime.
If your smart you'll save up money and buy an older version of the 360 the elite atleast...since its price is dropping and you could eventually find it for very cheap.
If this would've been a year or two ago I'd say maybe, but the PS3 has a pretty strong library of games out right now, so to sell it to get a new 360 wouldn't be that productive imo. The PS3 has most of the things that the new 360 has in it, not to mentionBluray, so I'd say keep the PS3 and still go grab the new 360. Just don't pay the mortgage this month.
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