@DarkLink77 said:
@Dreams-Visions said:
@TheEroica said:
@Dreams-Visions said:
@Promised_Trini said:
@Heil68: This man speaks the truth. I never understood why people got hung up over reviews.
Because it's the only way to have some form or organized conversation here. If everything purely came down to everyone's individual opinion, how could have have "ownage" and salty feelings?
What would fanboys do to quench their constant need to justify their choice in console if they could only afford to pick one?
you do realize that this place EXISTS on passing ones own personal opinion off as fact right? :P
Sometimes I still expect rational conversation to take place. Sometimes it happens. Other times I just wonder why people wasted their life time to type something not worth reading.
The insatiable need of fanboys to make themselves feel better about what they do or don't have never ceases to amaze me.
@uninspiredcup said:
@DarkLink77 said:
Meh. Who gives a shit? It's Killzone. It's not like it was ever anything special to begin with.
Excellent point.
It doesn't need to be special; it just needs to be solid. Its multiplayer is solid. Hence the conversation.
A 74 is a solid score, especially when 7 universally translates into "good" on the review scale. If the game is just solid, it shouldn't be getting 8s aka "great."
Most of us who've actually played the game agree that the SP is around a 74, and that most of the reviews only spent time with the SP. Thus, that 74 is reflective of where the SP is. "Good" but certainly not great.
However, the MP is substantially better than the SP, but the game score is not lifted by it in most reviews because most reviewers didn't wait until they could play the MP before giving it a review. This is the point of contention. Scores should reflect the MP and SP in a game like this, as it does for other FPS games.
Again, imagine if CoD's scoring was only done based on it's hot garbage SP story. Imaigne if BF4's was. All CoD and BF games would be 70-something titles. If that were happening, people would feel those reviews were short-sighted and they'd be right: you're not buying those games for their compelling story. You're buying them to play their MP daily for the next 3 or 6 months. The same is true of Killzone, so the importance of spending time with MP in reviewing the game is just as high. So when you read a review that only offers a couple of sentences about the MP, it's hard to use said review as an indicator of how much or little you'll enjoy the game because the review doesn't reflect how you'll be spending 90% of your time for the next several months with the title.
This is the point of contention in this discussion.
If your only goal is to play CoD, BF or Killzone for their SP stories, you'll find them all to be in the 7-range. However, the MP in all 3 deliver. All 3 feel different enough to not feel like you're buying the same game 3 times...and all 3 are 8+ MP experiences.
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