Guys, I don't usually make threads but let's give this a go. This game looks extremely lackluster, we could just blame the guy that was playing in the footage, he wasn't very good at the game was he? But I think it was something more than that. Let's go over some of the things that made me cringe.
- The voice acting, that guy with the over the top posh british accent and the overly hyperactive whiny dude(what's his name? Prompto?) Both of them sounded completely out of place in this epic battle against a Titan. Not to mention just sounded annoying as all hell. I do not want to hear these two babble on whilst I'm in some epic and suspenseful situation. It's immersion breaking.
- The combat.. It looked clunky, repetitive and simplistic all at the same time. What is there to this combat really? You hold square down and Noctis wails away with his sword and pretty particle effects happen. That's basically it. Oh but there's QTEs and dodging! But dodging is pointless as shown in the video because Noctis can survive multiple stone giant punches to the face. This game can't even be considered a button masher because it's even more dumbed down than that. You simply hold a button down and the game plays itself.
- In game hints.. "Hey dumba$s! throw ice grenade at enemy to insta kill!" Thanks game. *Insulted*
- QTEs.. Need I say more.
- Party AI is going to be a problem in this game quite clearly. Thanks for not allowing me to change party members SE!.
I could go on honestly but then I'd just be creating a huge wall of text. So I'll leave at that. The game just doesn't look promising at all. From a graphical stand point sure but everything else is just below average at best. I sense another FF flop for SE. They failed yet again. This is not the Final Fantasy I know and love.
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