Nintendo is doing very well right now.Nintendo became increasingly arrogantbecause they were doing so well during the NES and SNES days. So, they made N64 and thought it would sell like hotcakes without a lotof 3rd party support and expensive cartridge format.Sony crushed them with PlayStation.Nintendo decided to buck the trend again with smaller discs that couldn't fit as much data with Gamecube. Nintendo lost 3rd party support again. Nintendo was finally humbled and their arrogance left. Then they release the Wii, and it sells very well. Now, there are signs that Nintendo arrogance is returning. What concerns me most about Nintendo is that they will once again get blinded by their arrogance and fall down even harder this time. Remember, the videogame industry is a big swinging pendulum. Nintendo is at top right now. Sony got arrogant and fell. Nintendo will do the same...again. The real question is when...
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