Yes, I've been known to have a biased view in favor of PlayStation 3. I've said in several of my threads that the PS3 could sell half of what the PS2 sold and win the sales war even if 360 and Wii sell twice the amount of the original Xbox and Gamecube. I've been laughed at and called a "Cow with fanboy goggles on" because I've stated that the PS3 will catch up in sales to the Wii and Xbox.
My question is this...What do sheep make of this report?;title;2
Taken from GameSpot news..."1.5 million Wiis, and 933,000 PS3s have been sold in the US."
Ok, Wii is still leading by 567,000 in the US. I have no clue what the worldwide sales of both systems are at the moment, so I'm going by the US right now.
What I read into this report is this...."PS3 is catching up to Wii in sales." Yeah, Wii is leading now, but for how long? Seriously, sheep...look at it from this perspective. Right now Wii is outselling PS3 by a factor of 1.5.
However, what will happen when PS3 gets the inevitable price drop and big name games will begin to flourish? Wii is half the price of PS3, comes with a "free" game, has Miis you can create, has downloadable VC games, has other nifty features like Weather around the world accessible, has a new unique controller not seen b4 in a home console.
Yet, despite all of this, it is only outselling the PS3 in the US by a factor of 1.5. I find this to not be "ownage" as many sheep claim it is, but kinda pathetic in reality. This is why I find it pathetic. PS3 doesn't have rumble, has half-assed motion sensing done on a control scheme that is almost the duplicate of PS2, and had absolutely horrific launch titles, had a horrible E3 showing. Sony keeps putting its foot in its mouth. Yet it still seems to be slowly catching up to Wii in sales.
In fact, for a $500, $600 system, the PS3 is selling remarkably well considering the price and all the shortcomings that I just mentioned.
Look, as much as I bash Wii, I (believe it or not) enjoy the system. I think it has some unique and intuitive games. I've had fun with it so far. But I find it ridiculous to even consider the possibility that Wii will outsell the PS3 in the long-term. It just doesn't seem like it will happen.
Believe it or not, I want to be wrong on this. I bash the Wii because I think I demand too much from Nintendo. I had high expectations for Gamecube and came away somewhat disappointed.
I know I've made threads somewhat similar in nature to this regarding sales and whatnot, but I really want some opinions on this.
What are your opinions on all this? Am I completely wrong to believe PS3 will catch up to Wii?
Any replies are appreciated. Thanx.
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