"But, but, but the developers didn't realize the Wii was going to be so ridiculously popular so they didn't prepare many titles for Wii!!" Yeah, sheep.Ubisoft had many games in the works for Wii even during E306. We all know how most of those games turned out....
"But, but, but developers didn't get the kits in time!" Wow, I've heard this b4 with Xbox 360, PS2, PS3, Gamecube. Excuses, excuses.
"But, but, but developers haven't learned the intricate details of the wiimote!" Uh, huh...believe that if it makes you feel better sheep. But here is the real truth. The devs care more about the 360 and PS3 than Wii. Look at Ubisoft. Most Ubisoft ports aren't that great, I realize that. But they are particularly terrible on Wii. They are MUCH BETTER at porting games to PS3. Hmmmm.....wonder why that is. Oh! I know! It is because they CARE MORE about the PS3 than the Wii.
Now, I'm not a fanboy, even though it may seem that way. I have a Wii and enjoy it. But sheep need to understand that devs don't take the Wii seriously, even with it selling amazingly well.
Understand this sheep. Wii will have the same droughts (maybe even worse) as Gamecube even with the amazing sales. Why? Because developers don't like the Wii! Ok! Get it? Do you REALLY think Chris Hecker is the only one cursing Wii at the moment? Heck no! He speaks for a lot of developers.
The sad truth is this...A majority of developers making games for Wii feel like they are doing a disservice to themselves in their own eyes. They feel like they can't expand the scope of their "plans" with Wii. Wii only has so much graphics and physics tech at its disposal. It doesn't have much RAM either. Devs are pissed they have to make games for Wii. That is the cold, hard truth. And, even as a shemming, I know this.
I'm not claiming I have a crystal ball. I'm not claiming I know what others think. I'm stating the obvious...Developers DO NOT WANT TO SUPPORT THE WII NO MATTER WHAT. What does this mean? It means that Wii is going to have an absolutely atrocious game library throughout its lifespan. Sure, it will occassionally have some great games. MP3, SMG, SSBB come to mind. Notice something...where are the great 3rd party games? But then....BOOM! Dryspell, drought...call it what you want. It is going to happen again just like it did with Gamecube.
Just ask yourselves this question sheep. Think about this. Since Wii is selling so well, and since Wii is about to surpass Xbox 360 sales soon, then WHY AREN'T MORE GREAT LOOKING MULTIPLATS COMING TO WII? Sheep will say...."because the Wii controller wouldn't work with the games as well".That is NOT THE REASON. Wiimote is NOT THE PROBLEM. The reason isthat developers are worried that 1st party software on Wii is all that will sell, just like the Gamecube era. Therefore, there are many multiplats not coming to Wii. Also, the multiplats that ARE coming to Wii are going to be subpar attempts with poor porting jobs. Why? Because 3rd party developers want to SPEND AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE on Wii game development.
Ok? Get the picture? Good. This is how it is, like it or not. I don't like it. But I recognize what is happening. I wish other shemmings or sheep would too...
Flame me all you want. But consider for a moment that I'm correct in my assessment. It is not a pretty picture....
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