There are two perspectives that you can look at the situation. My commentary will appear in RED!!! :P
1. The perspective of loyalty to their PC community which they have built over the past several years. Making this exclusive to them will boost PC sale in general (respectively in terms of fanbase/expanding pc gamers...meaning more people could try out other games blizzard will be making (Starcraft II, WoW...etc)).This is very dumb. If Blizzard was my company...why the fack would I not make this availiable to PS3, 360, PC, Wii...and DS. No im not shatting you. Imagine the dough that would roll in. The only forseeable danger is that A. People might think it is too availiable (if that makes any sense). B. Time. Even though DIII is not the most technically impressive piece of takes time and money to port to all other consoles.
2. Money, money, money, moooooooney....MOOOOONNNNNNAAAAAAAAYY!!! Blizzard makesa crap load as it is from WoW, but imagine if they make DIII availiable to just about everyone. The AAA is there, the people wanting to play is there, the MOOOONAY is there. Making this decision to make this sucker Meagaplatform (Meaning availiable for all of the most important systems on the market. My don't you use it....jk everyone can use it...(c)...too late).I really like this perspective. Its kinda like saying this: "Guys...would youy like to make a couple of million dollars...?" or "Guys, how would you like to make half a billion dollars...?". Its a win win win situation. People get to play DIII, Blizzard makes a crap load of money, and the gaming industry expands once more :) . The only negative will be the winey Hermits saying....waa, waaaa.....DIII is naught exkloosive :(. My respose to them: "CALL THE WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMBULANCE".
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