^ Topic. I just wanted to get everybody's opinion on it. Ive seen the trailers and its looking real good right now. Probably gonna be one of the best looking FPS to come out this year. But Im still debating if I should get it on the XB360 or PS3? Now I like to play all FPS and games that are good online on my XB360 and I play my JRPG and fighting games and exclusives on my PS3. I like the analog placement better on the 360 and also the analog nub is not " mushroom shape " so its actually more confortable for me. But I guess I play Resistance fine. :p But I've tried COD 4 on PS3 and I like it better on 360. Ok. My question is. Which version would you guys get and which would you think look better on? Im thinking it may look pretty similar. I guess I can say if a game came out for both systems same day I would get it on 360. I'll only get a PS3 game if it takes advantage of it. *sign* Cant make up my mind. But maybe you guys here in system wars can help me make up my mind.
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