I've had my Wii for about 6 weeks and I'm bored to tears with it. I have Wii sports & Metroid 3. Wii sports was fun but its too shallow so I've lost interest in it. Metroid is nothing but shooting bad AI enemies, running around the same level for 2 hours (backtracking) & morphing into a ball to get places... I just got to the 4th planet and I'm tired of the game already. I've rented just about every 8.0+ game for it and the biggest disappointment is warioware with a 9.1 that should be a 6.0 at best.
So should I sell my Wii? Because I can't stand it if all we'll be getting is more of the same. Nothing impresses me on this system except a few of the wii sports titles but they are only fun for short spurts. I'm thinking about putting the money toward a POS3 when the price hits $300, but if I wait till the POS3 price comes down before I sell the Wii, the Wii will probably be worth $100 by then.. so should I get rid of it now and wait for the POS3 to drop in price? I have no shortage of games on my 360 so it wouldn't be a big deal to not have a second system for 6 months to a year.
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