I chose yes.
From what I have been observing in the Nintendo Fanbase (I have actually been exploring other forums for the past 2 weeks and on Facebook and Youtube) that they are literally treating Nintendo as a third party company already.
They're prepared. They subconsciously know that Nintendo is going to appear on iOS and Sony platforms. Soon they'll be saying "Xbox Play Super Mario Galaxy X" and play the game on their Xbox Controllers. They're prepared to download Super Metroid Redux on Steam.
It's clear.
I'm seeing Posts like "Well If you wanted to play (insert 3rd Party game not on Nintendo), then you should have gotten a PS3/4 or Xbox 360/One!" or "I just get Nintendo games for the Nintendo first party and then a Sony/Microsoft Machine for the rest." or the laughable "3rd Party Sucks."
These are actual posts you will see in the Nintendo Fanbase. I told them countless times that what is going on is not good for Nintendo and they brush it off and say stuff like "Nintendo is fine! 3rd Party is the trash!" or "Nintendo don't need no 3rd Party!" or "Well those games aren't for me."
While that maybe true for most of the fanbase I know I'm not alone because there are few there that are actually in my boat saying "Yeah we'd actually buy a 3rd Party game if it was developed for WiiU and not completely gimped." but while they would say that most if not almost the ENTIRE Nintendo fanbase has Sony and Microsoft Systems, heck some have gaming PCs.
While the Sony Fanbase and the Xbox Fanbase can comfortably say they don't need the other System(s). It's Nintendo's Fanbase that says They need the other systems.
And that just shows me that the Nintendo Fanbase is no longer treating Nintendo as a comfortable 1st Party System Holder. They're already treating Nintendo as a 3rd party Developer.
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