I'm sorry but I think it's ridiculous.
-They DON'T ever make equal hardware as other platforms and they sell the hardware for nearly the same price and it's funny when people say hardware sheep think 'Ooh graphics freak' but no. Developers have to water down games to get them on Nintendo platforms or just avoid the platform all together. So pretty much they get no 3rd party support, and rely on only first party.
-WIth no third party, their first party keeps pumping out the same games. It's a pattern pretty much. "Hey Nintendo, we're moving on to a new generation of gaming." Nintendo: Oh really, well just slap some plastic together and release a few Mario games and Zelda and Metroids and Pokemon and people will rush it.' But but...teh third party guys and multiplats like COD, Bioshock, GTA5...our users won't get those games..." Nintendo: WHo cares?? This is what we always do and it always works..."What about new IPs?" Nintendo: Dude, what about 'Mario" do you not understand? Third parties won't make new IPs because if it's not Mario or Zelda or some crappy gimmick, sheep won't buy it.
-User Base. WHat sheep in their honest mind can honestly can Nintendo actually listens to sheep. Well, wait a minute, I don't think sheep care. They're fine with taking what they get. Some LEms are at least showing discotent for not having games this year. But sheep are like Luigi? Fvck Yahhh :)))) xoxoxo. Nintendo couldn't care less about their userbase and proof is that year before e3 when the Wii was slowing down and sheep kept saying wait for e3. E3 get's here and there's a conductor leading a virtual band on Nintendo's show. They probably announced another Mario and Zelda game.
-Sheep want the WiiU to be a contender with 720 and PS4 but how can that happen when WiiU isn't getting multiplats like BF4 and Watch Dogs and such. Inferior hardware that aren't comparable. WiiU is current gen and won't be considered next gen along with the PS4 and 720.
SO pretty much, release a crappy console with inferior hardware while other companies are spending millions to research and give gamers what they want. Throw you gamers a Mario game once a year and a pokemon and final fantasy and call it a day and then sit back and enjoy the profits. LOL And sheep aren't complaining.
OH and when was the last time a NINTENDO game got GOTY?
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