Seriously, it's seems like all the good PS4 exclusives are not coming out until late next year. Examples are:
- The Order 1886 - Amazon shows Dec. 31, 2014 release
- New "Uncharted game" - No date even mentioned on Amazon
- Shadow of the Beast - Not even listed on Amazon
At least XBOX ONE has Titanfall coming out on March 11, 2014 (Amazon release date), and already has Ryse, Dead Rising 3, Killer Instinct, and Forza 5. All are great games.
The PS4 does have KZSF and it's good. However, the only really good game, I can think of, coming to PS4 in the next few months is Dying Light (March 31, 2014 release date on Amazon), and that's not even an exclusive.
Can you all think of any other good multiplats that are coming to PS4 by May 2014? (Please don't say "Infamous: Second Son", I don't want that garbage).
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