[QUOTE="jonnyt61"] [QUOTE="JimJackJose"][QUOTE="jonnyt61"]
Sure, a game is about fun and enjoying the time you spend playing them.
I've had more fun with Castle Crashers then many of my full retail purchases.
Also, not all retail games are released at 60$. There are a increasing amount of games being released at 40$. Viva Pinata : Trouble in Paradise is a great example, it is getting great review scores (EGM's game of the month) and it is released this week at 40$. So saying a game has to be 60$ for it to be retail is not a fair comparison.
You should also remember Alien Hominid was released as a full retail game on multiple systems before hitting XBLA. Why should it count on the gamecube and playstation but not the 360? Because it costs less, and wasn't on a plastic disk? The argument makes no sense. A game is a game, what is being gaged is the amount of enjoyment you will get from your purchase regardless of the price.
Lastly, if we are going to start factoring price into the reviews shouldn't a game like rockband have been compared to buying 3 other games at full retail price? Or 10+ psn/xbla titles? Rockband is a great game by all means, however would you rather have rockband, or GTA IV + Metal Gear Solid 4 + (insert any other high scoring game, i think you get my point). Do you think Rockband should have been deducted points for costing more? If I was considering games value by price I think anyone would have trouble recommending rockband over 3 other top notch games.
I seriously doubt you would. And if you would, then I believe that's more down to your own disposable income than you perceiving at being worth that value.
But it is still deemed a strong enough title, to be considered at retail. It's being marketted as a full retail title, and the only reason it does cost less, is because of Rare desire to see more copies sell.
Well, if it were released on Xbox/360 as a retail title, it should count then.
Oh, I'm the type to play Music rhythm games with a controller, and not worry about the extra addons etc. Like you said, it's hard for me to reccomend such a title because of it's price. It's not worth it to me. But the point is, it's still a retail title, and if you purchase the game on it's own, you're paying normal retail price. You only pay more, if you wish for the addons included.
What is the point of asking me a question if you're going to refuse to believe my honest answer. If you're not interested in people's answers why are you wasting the time to ask question to begin with?
The fact is, Castle Crashers is a great game that I would not hesitate to buy at retail. Just like a lot of people purchased Alien Hominid as a retail game last gen.
As I said before not counting Alien Hominid now because it is cheaper and is not on a disk makes no sense at all. It may not be a great game score wise, but it is a perfect example as to why your argument fails.
How about Ikaruga, is that not a game now? (Arguably) one of the greatest shooters ever made, and was a retail game at one time, isn't worthy to be compared to other games because it no longer costs 60$ and comes on a plastic disk?
If any of the games you listed were released on a cd for 15$ at retail would they then count to you?
What exactly makes a retail game to you?
Do I need to be able to purchase it in a store? So if they sold a card in a store that allows me to download a game would that make it a retail game? Is that not how point cards already work?
Or Does it need to be on a disk? Really, you have to put a game on a plastic disk for it to count? That doesn't make any sense, especially as digital distribution becomes more popular.
So is it price? If these games were released on live for 60$ would they count then? Does Viva Pinata not count because it wasn't released at 60$?
You're looking into it wrong. The reason they don't count, is simply because of differing standards.
You talk of Ikaruga, a game first released in 2001. That's almost 7 years ago. While it's certainly an enjoyable game, it['s also at least 7 years old. Standards in gaming have changed since then. It may have been brilliant then, but now, while still enjoyable, no, I don't believe it can be compared tothe current standard of retail games
Actually, no, because they're percieved value is still not comparable to a full retail title. You're looking at this in a rather ignorant way. You can understand why I say what I say, yet you choose to question the reasons none the less.
If they were on LIVE! for $60 and were scored to the same standard that full retail games are, then yes, they'd count. But most often, the only times games are scored to these same standards, is when they're -also- released on disc, in retail outlets, such as Warhawk or Siren.
And in regards to me asking a question, and not believing your answer.Fine, I'll believe you'd pay $60 for a title that 90% of gamers wouldn't. Like I say, the only way I see you truly standing by that, is if you're in a position to have the disposable income to do so. The fact remains that these games are judged based upon the amount of enjoyment a person gets from them for the money paid. The games are reviewed to different standards because the cost is different. However, that does not change the fact that a great scoring game on xbla/psn is going to be better then a poorly scoring retail game.I can easily tell by looking at review scores that I will likely have a better time with Castle Crashers then I would with Big Rig Truckers.
I question your reasons because they categorially make no sense when you break down the problem.
Ikaruga was re-reviewed with the new release to reflect today's standards. Your argument that it is 7 years old and the standards have changed so it shouldn't count really isn't valid. The game has been reviewed based upon it's value for the money, just like retail games are.
You falling back to calling me ignorant for having a differing point of view, and being disrespectful of my answers to your questions really shows a lot about you. You're not interested in a discussion, you are just here to spew your point of view.
I think thats the larger quote I have ever seen
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