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Wii might lack AAA's, but i say who cares? darth-pyschosis
(raises hand)
Look, shovel ware is not new, but the level of it, and more shockingly, how well this crap is selling on the Wii is a disgrace, and should be a concern to anyon e who has a Wii as a main console, game developers are in this to make money, if that means crap games, they will make crap
[QUOTE="darth-pyschosis"] Wii might lack AAA's, but i say who cares? crispytheone88
(raises hand)
Look, shovel ware is not new, but the level of it, and more shockingly, how well this crap is selling on the Wii is a disgrace, and should be a concern to anyon e who has a Wii as a main console, game developers are in this to make money, if that means crap games, they will make crap
so get me a link that states jenga sold more than zack & wiki's 300,000 or resident evil 4's 1 million did petz 2 beat metroid prime 3's 1 million sir? link pleaseShovelware isn't new but there's never been a console based completely around it. Lazy_Boy88so what do u call bible game, 50 cent, buzz, petz (also on ps2), disney skate?
[QUOTE="crispytheone88"][QUOTE="darth-pyschosis"] Wii might lack AAA's, but i say who cares? darth-pyschosis
(raises hand)
Look, shovel ware is not new, but the level of it, and more shockingly, how well this crap is selling on the Wii is a disgrace, and should be a concern to anyon e who has a Wii as a main console, game developers are in this to make money, if that means crap games, they will make crap
so get me a link that states jenga sold more than zack & wiki's 300,000 or resident evil 4's 1 million did petz 2 beat metroid prime 3's 1 million sir? link pleaseGood lord, someone's in denial, I would give you the fanboy hotline, but it went off line after the last councelor beat themselves to death with the unsufferably heavy original xbox
I'll give you one link, about the qaulity of UBI softs titles for Wii
Every console had / has shovelware... but i think there is no denying that the DS & Wii have the biggest amount of such games (shovelware).. but then again what is shovelware for me might be good games for others...
as everyone said, shovelware is not new and I recall the snes and ps1 very well. All you have to do is search any console library on gamespot and you will know what I mean.
but the Wii has less power than its competitors, its not as hardcore, and its not making new titles (its mario,zelda, metroid for the gazillionth time again) while ps3 is making new attempts like heavenly swrod for example and gears of war and halo wars for 360. Add to that Nintendo gave an image of the Wii that it is the console for shovelware, non-hardcore buying it means less informed people so they will buy any game, meaning more shovelware sales.
All this makes the Wii more of a shovelware console...I have a wii, I love how i get to play gamecube and ps2 ports because i didnt have those, and the new metroid and brawl is a new game for me...but nintendo is not pushing it more towards great games...its pushing the console toward simple games for everyone....and basically...simple games are bad games=shovelware.
as everyone said, shovelware is not new and I recall the snes and ps1 very well. All you have to do is search any console library on gamespot and you will know what I mean.
but the Wii has less power than its competitors, its not as hardcore, and its not making new titles (its mario,zelda, metroid for the gazillionth time again) while ps3 is making new attempts like heavenly swrod for example and gears of war and halo wars for 360. Add to that Nintendo gave an image of the Wii that it is the console for shovelware, non-hardcore buying it means less informed people so they will buy any game, meaning more shovelware sales.
All this makes the Wii more of a shovelware console...I have a wii, I love how i get to play gamecube and ps2 ports because i didnt have those, and the new metroid and brawl is a new game for me...but nintendo is not pushing it more towards great games...its pushing the console toward simple games for everyone....and basically...simple games are bad games=shovelware.
Um excuse me, this is System Wars, Logic and well thought out replies are forbidden
that said, well put, I have a wii as well, the amount of simple games is disturbing
[QUOTE="darth-pyschosis"] Wii might lack AAA's, but i say who cares? crispytheone88
(raises hand)
Look, shovel ware is not new, but the level of it, and more shockingly, how well this crap is selling on the Wii is a disgrace, and should be a concern to anyon e who has a Wii as a main console, game developers are in this to make money, if that means crap games, they will make crap
Actully the level of shovelware came with PS1... Thats what made that console so sucessfull..
Sony proved shovelware being the key too victory, Nintendo follows the path.
If you look at it most of the shovelware on the Wii is coming from the main publishers for example Zoo and Popcorn arcade...
some shovelware is called shovelware i.e the stuff coming from ubisoft due to the fact the games are for kids like the Dogz game coming out e.t.c
[QUOTE="darth-pyschosis"][QUOTE="crispytheone88"][QUOTE="darth-pyschosis"] Wii might lack AAA's, but i say who cares? crispytheone88
(raises hand)
Look, shovel ware is not new, but the level of it, and more shockingly, how well this crap is selling on the Wii is a disgrace, and should be a concern to anyon e who has a Wii as a main console, game developers are in this to make money, if that means crap games, they will make crap
so get me a link that states jenga sold more than zack & wiki's 300,000 or resident evil 4's 1 million did petz 2 beat metroid prime 3's 1 million sir? link pleaseGood lord, someone's in denial, I would give you the fanboy hotline, but it went off line after the last councelor beat themselves to death with the unsufferably heavy original xbox
I'll give you one link, about the qaulity of UBI softs titles for Wii
Wonderful. You say shovelware sells like hotcakes on the Wii, he proves you wrong, and you claim he's in denial, and then started talking about the amount of shovelware as opposed to their sales, because you know you're wrong.
You're the only one in denial here.
let us all read birdmen and the casual fallacy for the hell of it
[QUOTE="crispytheone88"][QUOTE="darth-pyschosis"] Wii might lack AAA's, but i say who cares? darth-pyschosis
(raises hand)
Look, shovel ware is not new, but the level of it, and more shockingly, how well this crap is selling on the Wii is a disgrace, and should be a concern to anyon e who has a Wii as a main console, game developers are in this to make money, if that means crap games, they will make crap
so get me a link that states jenga sold more than zack & wiki's 300,000 or resident evil 4's 1 million did petz 2 beat metroid prime 3's 1 million sir? link pleaseCarnival Games outsold Zack & Wiki, Boom Blox, Okami, No More Heroes, and Trama Center 1 and 2 combined.
High School Musical outsold any of those games individually, as did Smarty Pants and Game Party.
Donky Kong Barrel Blast outsold any of those games with the exception of the second Trauma Center.
I like the Wii, and I am loving the games, but those sales do make me sad, as they should any seasoned gamer.
If a game is not made by Nintendo or if it lacks a major name like Resident Evil, it appears to have the same shot at good sales if it is a crappy game or a great game.
[QUOTE="darth-pyschosis"] Wii might lack AAA's, but i say who cares? crispytheone88(raises hand)
Look, shovel ware is not new, but the level of it, and more shockingly, how well this crap is selling on the Wii is a disgrace, and should be a concern to anyon e who has a Wii as a main console, game developers are in this to make money, if that means crap games, they will make crap
how well is it selling? Last i checked, it was the real games that were sellng well on the wii. Most of the shovelware crap ISN'T selling[QUOTE="darth-pyschosis"][QUOTE="crispytheone88"][QUOTE="darth-pyschosis"] Wii might lack AAA's, but i say who cares? SpruceCaboose
(raises hand)
Look, shovel ware is not new, but the level of it, and more shockingly, how well this crap is selling on the Wii is a disgrace, and should be a concern to anyon e who has a Wii as a main console, game developers are in this to make money, if that means crap games, they will make crap
so get me a link that states jenga sold more than zack & wiki's 300,000 or resident evil 4's 1 million did petz 2 beat metroid prime 3's 1 million sir? link pleaseCarnival Games outsold Zack & Wiki, Boom Blox, Okami, No More Heroes, and Trama Center 1 and 2 combined.
High School Musical outsold any of those games individually, as did Smarty Pants and Game Party.
Donky Kong Barrel Blast outsold any of those games with the exception of the second Trauma Center.
I like the Wii, and I am loving the games, but those sales do make me sad, as they should any seasoned gamer.
If a game is not made by Nintendo or if it lacks a major name like Resident Evil, it appears to have the same shot at good sales if it is a crappy game or a great game.
It's no surprise, you know that Zack & Wiki, Boom Blox, Okami, NMH and both Trauma Centers aren't games for everyone. Even if they were on another console, they would sell the same. Resident Evil, on the other hand, it's way popular. The same happened to those kind of games before (Killer 7, Viewtiful Joe, Beyond Good & Evil, Psichonauts), I don't get why it's something new.[QUOTE="darth-pyschosis"] Wii might lack AAA's, but i say who cares? crispytheone88
(raises hand)
Look, shovel ware is not new, but the level of it, and more shockingly, how well this crap is selling on the Wii is a disgrace, and should be a concern to anyon e who has a Wii as a main console, game developers are in this to make money, if that means crap games, they will make crap
Give me one article or news piece that suggest that shovelware actually sells well on one, go on I bet you can't even find one! Things like Carnival Games =\= shovelware, it might not be a good game, but people enjoy it therefore it sells well, things like Anubis 2 and Ninjabread Man are shovelware similar to the games on the last few best selling consoles and the only difference between these and last gens shovelware is that this time you see some of it in shops, thats it. Last gen you would never see NRA gun club or crap like that in a shop, but you could still buy it. But with Wii you sometimes see the games in the shops.
r u guys four years old? do u not remember the non-gamer shovelware crap that came out on SNES, PS1,PS2,GBA ? is halo the first game you played? EGM this month has a dumb article about how nintendo loves to get terrible 3rd party crap to sell better than hardcore games (hardcore games dont pay for themselves guys ask SEGA bout that) funny thing EGM has recycled this article a few times and apoarently the gaming world is over coz petz 2 and jenga came out on Wii hello two worlds,lair,vampire rain, fuzion frenzy 2! these crap games are a healthy sign of life it means you have more options coz money makes new ips. btw, in this same issue EGM's game of the month was a 3rd party Wii game Boom Blox! Wii might lack AAA's, but i say who cares? tales of symphonia 2, okami, bully, lost winds, dr mario, strong bad, sam & max, madworld, no more heroes, battalion wars 2, medal of honor heroes 2, final fantasy fables, 2 final fantasy crystal chronicle games, dragon quest swords, spore, mario galaxy, twilight princess, metroid prime 3, paper mario, star fox wii, animal crossing, pikmin 3, star wars force unleashed, guitar hero, rock band, mario kart, monster hunter 3, fatal frame 4, wario land shake if u dont see something good there you're a liardarth-pyschosis
Here's the thing not many people can remember consoles before NES....which was because NES was the first successful console to come out after the video game crash of 1983/84, which was caused by you guessed it: SHOVELWARE!!!!!
Here's the thing not many people can remember consoles before NES....which was because NES was the first successful console to come out after the video game crash of 1983/84, which was caused by you guessed it: SHOVELWARE!!!!!
Atari's shovelware doesn't even compare. First, this was in the days before game reviews. Second, Atari shovelware was often unplayable.
r u guys four years old? do u not remember the non-gamer shovelware crap that came out on SNES, PS1,PS2,GBA ? is halo the first game you played? EGM this month has a dumb article about how nintendo loves to get terrible 3rd party crap to sell better than hardcore games (hardcore games dont pay for themselves guys ask SEGA bout that) funny thing EGM has recycled this article a few times and apoarently the gaming world is over coz petz 2 and jenga came out on Wii hello two worlds,lair,vampire rain, fuzion frenzy 2! these crap games are a healthy sign of life it means you have more options coz money makes new ips. btw, in this same issue EGM's game of the month was a 3rd party Wii game Boom Blox! Wii might lack AAA's, but i say who cares? tales of symphonia 2, okami, bully, lost winds, dr mario, strong bad, sam & max, madworld, no more heroes, battalion wars 2, medal of honor heroes 2, final fantasy fables, 2 final fantasy crystal chronicle games, dragon quest swords, spore, mario galaxy, twilight princess, metroid prime 3, paper mario, star fox wii, animal crossing, pikmin 3, star wars force unleashed, guitar hero, rock band, mario kart, monster hunter 3, fatal frame 4, wario land shake if u dont see something good there you're a liardarth-pyschosis
You gota admit that Petz 2 is like a black stain on the history of gaming though :P damn you ubisoft! i thought you were a good dev before this gen!
Shovelware isn't new but there's never been a console based completely around it. Lazy_Boy88
True, and to add to the above / earlier statement about pre NES Shovelware with Atari, if you remember the old NES, when it came out it promised to never do to the gamer what the Atari did which was let just about anyone that could program make games. No, instead they had thier seal... The seal was a make of quality and I think Nintendo needs to bring that attitude back. I remember the way that seal made me feel, I almost knew that buying this game wouldn't haunt my wallet later cause it typically meant GOOD GAME!
edit to spelling error
[QUOTE="crispytheone88"][QUOTE="darth-pyschosis"] Wii might lack AAA's, but i say who cares? BuryMe(raises hand)
Look, shovel ware is not new, but the level of it, and more shockingly, how well this crap is selling on the Wii is a disgrace, and should be a concern to anyon e who has a Wii as a main console, game developers are in this to make money, if that means crap games, they will make crap
how well is it selling? Last i checked, it was the real games that were sellng well on the wii. Most of the shovelware crap ISN'T sellingLike I said before, I do not have the time, i just got home from work, and was posting on my break, but if you read the thread, some people have listed some great examples, like sprucecaboose
Carnival Games outsold Zack & Wiki, Boom Blox, Okami, No More Heroes, and Trama Center 1 and 2 combined.
High School Musical outsold any of those games individually, as did Smarty Pants and Game Party.
Donky Kong Barrel Blast outsold any of those games with the exception of the second Trauma Center.
I like the Wii, and I am loving the games, but those sales do make me sad, as they should any seasoned gamer.
If a game is not made by Nintendo or if it lacks a major name like Resident Evil, it appears to have the same shot at good sales if it is a crappy game or a great game.
You would have to be blind walking down the game isles and seeing the sheer number of crap titles available for the Wii, it is selling, and it is WAY more than ever came out for any system I can ever recall, which I started with the Atari VCS
i think good games should create a hype, for example zak & least people will get a good game even if they not like it
while we see other games creating big hype, selling a lot, but not making it up to the promise
nintendo should see the danger of shovelware and fix it the problem before the wii becomes the "crappy console"
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