[QUOTE="Javy03"][QUOTE="LosDaddie"][QUOTE="aemena"] My friend, this is only a big damage control from Cows, because BR is the only thing that they can put their hope in for their PS3, they are getting their butts kicked in every other direction, their console is in last place, theyhave lostalot of exclusives, the inferior Wii is outselling them almost 4 to 1 worldwide, the multiplatform games look much better on the 360....should I go on?
I really don't care for BR right now, I am very happy with my normal DVD player, all my movies are in that format and they will continue to be in that format for quite a while. But the time I want to change to BR, the players will be $100 and the movies will be at reasonable prices, right now it's a luxury that I DONT NEED! so why pay for something I don't need??? this is the question Cows don't understand, for them BR is MUST NOW!
So far I haven't seen a big difference in games with normal DVD and BR disk, have anybody else? so if there is no difference in the games (which should be the ONLY reason we should look) then WHY, OH WHY IS BR SO NEEDED????
Excellent post and very well said.
There hasn't been one game on PS3 that proves BR is needed. Even Crysis is 6GB uncompressed.
I strongly disagree. Your whole first paragraph is just fanboy ranting. The PS3 has alot of solid games and its sales are very respectible. Its not dominating like the PS2 did but neither is the 360. In fact the 360 is mainly ahead of the PS3 only because of its one year lead which is slowly diminishing as PS3 sales spike worldwide. And to bring up the Wii is just dumb because the Wii is also slaughtering the 360 worldwide.
As for your impression that games on BR dont look any different then games on DVD the thing you dont seem to grasp is that they are mearly storage media. BR and DVD dont make games better. Heck it wasnt till SMG on DVD two gens later that people feel that Mario 64 had a true successor which was on a cartridge. We all know cartridges were more inferior then CDs but Nintendo 64 did just fine using them. Their games looked good and the PS1s game on CD didnt drastically show anyone that CDs are vastly superior then Cartridges.
Heck during the PS2 gen the first batch of PS2 games were on CD because devs didnt see DVD as a need, then they changed their mind the next year and they were on DVD standard. Then that wasnt enough so they moved to DVD9s.
Embrace new tech, heck the 360, Wii, and PS3s are needed for gaming we could all go back to last gen. Need is a strong word for a hobby, nothing is truly needed, just beneficial. Blu ray cant hurt and making it standard on the PS3will allow for you to get a 100 blu ray player sooner.
What MS fans dont understand is that it is better to have and not need then need and not have. Blu ray doesnt affect the PS3s price to much now that its very comprable to the 360s price so there really is no true reason to shun such new good tech. unless your just a fanboy.
And your point is??? if BR will not make much of a difference except for storage media then I ask again, WHY oh why is BR so needed in GAMING according to Cows fanboys?? that's their whole argument "if you don't have blue ray you are not next gen!!" "We have BR you don't" am I missing something that I need now???? no, I don't!
The rest of your words are just a wrong way to get offtopic, if you are in the gaming "hobby" then you are inNEED of entertainment, so that word is not that strong as you think and as I said earlier I don't care the format of the game as long as it is a good game, it can come in cartriges, cds, mini disks, dvds, etc. I only care about the game and so far BR has done nothing to make a game DIFFERENT from the rest or has it?? answer me that, has it??, so I ask again, WHY IS BR SO NEEDED IN GAMING??? WHY?
Oh just so you know I can afford a PS3 easily, and besides why would I need to buy a PS3 if I own a Wii and a 360, I can live without FFXIII and havenever liked the MGS series so what more can I care about the PS3 if those are the system's best exclusives? the games that I want: DMC4, GTA4and RE5 are in the 360 should I say more?
The fact that BR is included in the PS3 will not give me a $100 player in the future, the demand and low marginal cost of making them in the future will. The reason of not paying that difference of price from the 360 and PS3 it's because I will not pay for something I don't need NOW, I spend my money wisely and not throw it away just because BR may be the future!
You are agruing against a fanboy arguement. I never said BR is NEEDED. I am not a "cow" and your first paragraph is not my stance nor the majority of peoples stance, just the stance of a few fanboys. But that doesnt mean that the other extreme is right which is Blu ray does not help gaming, of course it does just likethe internal HDD has helped, larger ram, and better processors. Now those things dont make better games, thats up to how devs use it.
And as for the last paragraph of course BR included in the PS3 is the reason 100 dollar blu ray players will come in the near future. Demand for Blu ray movies have risen dramitcally after the PS3 has launched in every region. NA sold more HD DVDs until the PS3 launched as well as Europe, Japan was always pro Blu ray. This high demand created by having millions of blu ray players in peoples homes lead to mass production of blu ray players and parts which in then lowers the overall price.
I have nothing against the 360, I just chose thePS3 because it satisfied my movie and gaming hobby. I spend my money wisely too and for me if I was gonna spend 400-500 dollars on a system, it better offer me new stable technology and be able to do more then just play games.
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