[QUOTE="-Renegade"][QUOTE="latinrage69"][QUOTE="-Renegade"][QUOTE="NobuoMusicMaker"] Xbox was a miniupgrade from the PS2 and this gen has a lot more architecture differences in the consoles.
I agree. ps3 is just a better all around designed next generation console. its built for the future.
not true. the cell broadband engine was originally designed to process video files, hence the fact that vector processors are used (the spu's or spe's). the spe's cannot handle general purpose processes on its own and has to be told what to do, also known as brach prediction. this creates a bottleneck for the cell's 1 logical core, the power pc, because it has to process the branching first, then output the information to the spe's to calculate the info. the logical doesn't fully process the info, it merely reads the incoming info and sends it out to be processed.
the RSX was actually based on the geforce 7800gt, a last gen gpu which is indeed inferior to the xenos but only slightly. the xenos features few DX10 api's and hardware implantation's (for instance, unified pipelines). the xenos is lacking geometry shaders which may the only or the biggest factor that is holding the xenos from being fully DX10 complaint. the rsx is dx9 compliant but relies on opengl es for programming.
the only thing future proof in the ps3 is the blu-ray drive but even that has a 50-50 chance of losing.
dude over time the tech will be outdated no matter what. ps3 is built with the cell a very powerful cpu, rsx, hdmi, blu ray, and a hdd standard. the console was built with the future in mind as the things will be a nesecity with anyone with an hdtv. cell + rsx will outperform anything the 360 will be able to do anyway so i dont see what your point was with that.
of course over time all tech becomes outdated but when the ps3 shipped , it came out with a last gen gpu because the geforce 8 series had launched 6 months earlier. the xenos came out with a prototype R600 which only launched last week. that means the xbox gpu more advanced because its pc counterpart launched a year after the console version where as the ps3 launched with a 1 or 2 year old gpu. that means it is inherently inferior.
the cell is a powerful processor for video processing but it's s--- for gaming. gaming requires general purpose processors which the 360 has three of and the ps3 only has one of.
blu-ray, while it has a large capacity, is also crap for gaming. the capacity was actually ofset by the slow transfer rate compared to the 360's 12x dvd drive. that's why the ps3 needs to have an HDD as a standard. the transfers are too slow and the would have caused huge load time, so to compensate, the game install essential info on the HDD (5GB+) and the loads are lower. that or, the dev can copy the entire game to several parts of the disk thus avoiding long loads and skipping the HDD install.
sony pulled off the biggest irony so far this gen. they boasted about being able to play games at 1080p @ 60fps, they include an hdmi slot, they include a blu-ray player, but they only include SD composite cables and require the consumer to either purchase ps3 branded HD component cables or a ps3 branded hdmi cable. basically, while the console is capable of HD out of the box, the user can't experience HD at all unless they pony up and buy HD cable from sony.
the ps3 is not future proof in any way because even sony is working on a new optical media format. holographic disks. sony knows blu-ray is a ddead format and are now looking to the future once again for another proprietary format to screw the consumer out of hundreds if not thousands of dollars.
Cell = All Purpose processor
Cell = GPU/CPU
(in terms of general purpose processors, cell is good but not good as the 360s)
Cell can also work along side of the RSX meaning more flexibility/functionality
Cell can do HDR while leaving RSX more processing power to do other stuff.
Cell combined with the RSX can do complex shading techniques like geometry shading, which the 360 lacks.
Cell with its many spes can do complex phyics that surpasses the 360s 3 core.
in the end PS3>360
oh yea the R600 is pos cant even beat the 8800gts which was released when last nov? LOL
"the cell is a powerful processor for video processing" ????????? LOL CELL IS MENT FOR EVERYTHING! gosh
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