@jumpaction said:
@jg4xchamp: I love you, Honeybear. ;)
One day the medium will get there, won't it?
Okay, since Cainteo will get on my shit for having a high horse, let me be more detailed and explain my position.
It's not the game's stories are worthless, they don't have to be, it's a fucking medium that is mostly action shit. You don't need a complex story, John Wick, Commando, and fucking Cobra are a blast. And they are dumb as ****, when the game doesn't take itself seriously, even the silliest of set ups can be engaging, especially if the characters are fun: Titanfall 2, the better Uncharted games, the first Halo, in other cases the dev team does a solid enough job with the presentation and set up: Max Payne, Half Life (not the story for its sequel, because that's shit), Thief.
It's more so this though, when the gameplay is driving the experience, the story just has to provide context, and it's fine, it adds a bit of flavor n personality to the experience. If that stuff didn't matter, a lot of games would just be squares shooting each other n shit. It's when the story tries to be more serious and more of an active player in the experience that a lion's share of gamings "best" stories are complete garbage. They simply lack any sort of nuance and rarely thought provoking. That and fundamentally a game is not a linear story telling medium. It's flat out at odds with telling a story, it's why games have historically used another medium's language to convey, fucking anything.
It's why the Mirko's n Bigbois of the world who love making the "film is never compared to literature" defense, way back when, are fucking ignoring a pretty fundamental difference for why that line of thinking sucks balls. Film, adapted a lot of literary works, but strictly into the language of film. In film it's a show do not tell medium, shitty films, happen to be the ones people find to be excessively plodding with over done exposition n info dumps. Not that it isn't an annoyance in a book either, but less of an issue because of the nature of a book.
Games get compared to movies in a negative light, because shamelessly this medium has tried to ape cinema's language without recognizing it isn't fucking cinema. The very nature of a story in the classical sense, or in the way we consume them in theater or film or a book, is at odds with what a game is, and I no longer care for the pretense of pretending Dear Esther is a game. It fucking isn't. Just like I no longer care for the "games have all this potential", because that's just some snake oil shit.
More to it, art criticism, in any form of art naturally focuses on separating the best of the best, which happen to offer most depth given that craft. In games, that's not a story, that's the mechanics n systems of a game. Because story wise, The Witcher 3 is good, even one of the medium's best (and on balance, I'll take the game's writing over the books any day, those books are secretly kind of garbage), but when your best is fantasy pulp, that's not a high fucking bar to be proud of.
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