@bussinrounds said:
@WitIsWisdom said:
@n64dd said:
@WitIsWisdom said:
Well, seeing as though Skyrim is the worst Elder Scrolls released on console... I sure wouldn't. That said, if you are into the mod thing... maybe.
Oblivion was worse. By far.
I completely disagree, but I'm glad you liked the dumbed down Skyrim where you play as super hero.
Skyrim vs Oblivion is like shit vs diarrhea. If you like one more than other there's no reason to be proud of it.
I'd rather fart and have to take a shit (Oblivion) rather than fart and find out it was diarrhea (Skyrim)... just saying.
On that note, I liked MOST of everything about Oblivion, unfortunately the worst part was the Oblivion gates.. go figure. The vision and actual scope of Skyrim just didn't match up for me and the immersion was not high enough for a game like that. The best part of the game was about the blind moth priests... enough said. Other than that... drauger... drauger... drauger... dragon... drauger... drauger... drauger... dragon... What's next a DRAUGER DRAGON? Wait... what's that.... no, it can't be... no.. no.. a DRAUGER DRAGON?!??! *Throws controller... I'm done*
Skyrim "We lost 10,000 men that day" looks around town... 8 houses. SMH.
Oblivion was a great follow up to Morrowind, where as Skyrim was 2 steps forward (random encounters) and 3 steps back (dumbed down mechanics everywhere you look).
Oblivion had WAY more variety and different areas actually felt like different regions. Everything in Skyrim felt too similar. That game is a milk drinking Nord... lol
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