GTA IV: When you get out of cars, if you hold the exit button down, you shut off the engine/radio (sadly, this feature was removed in GTA V)
GTA IV: I once caught a mailman emptying out a brown mail bin on the corner during morning hours.
GTA IV: If an enemy is rolling around on the ground on fire while holding a gun, every time the gun hits the ground it clanks.
GTA IV and V: rain doesn't fall underneath awnings and overhanging objects, making them safe areas to stay dry.
GTA IV: Garbage trucks only appear in the early morning hours.
GTA V: Trash is constantly flying out of the tops of garbage trucks as they drive.
GTA V: There's a layer of dew/mist that hovers above the ground in the countryside during late night/early morning hours. This is only in the ps4/bone/pc versions.
GTA's IV and V: If someone sees you jacking a car, they'll call the authorities. In V they may take a cellphone shot of you as well.
GTA IV: If you turn on a police siren after the lights have been shot up, they'll make a weird noise.
GTA IV: Gushing water from busted fire hydrants have physics and may even flip your car over.
GTA IV and V: Car engine's tick tick tick for a while when you turn them off.
GTA V: You can send different people in your phone pics of dead animals you've killed and get different reactions from each.
GTA V: The moon changes phases each night with slightly different lighting corresponding with each phase.
GTA V: You can melee and kick chairs out from under people.
GTA V: Pedestrians walk faster across the street as the light changes.
GTA IV: If an enemy is standing near a steam pipe, you can shoot it and the steam burns them.
GTA IV and V: If you're driving around in an open top car, your music echos in tunnels, alleyways, etc.
GTA V: MIchael doesn't have a smartphone in the prologue because it takes place 10 years earlier.
GTA V: Shooting a cars gas tank will leave a trail of gas which can be ignited.
GTA V: Shop owners, npc's, and other characters act a liiiiiiitle "racial" toward Franklin in terms of how they speak to him.
GTA's IV and V: Every-single-thing you walk over has an accurate corresponding sound, even broken glass.
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