the Cpu ( taking advantage of the spe's ) + Bluray storage make all the difference on when it comes to high quality textures and visuals.
The reviewer mentioned Uncharted 2 and how high res textures are directly streamed from the bluray, while the 360 needs to decompress them, plus he says that the limited storage on the 360 is the reason why FFXIII is on sub-hd for the Microsoft's console.
While I can understand the CPU factor, I don't quite understand how the Bluray would help ps3 games accomplish better graphics.
I mean, computer games still use standard dvd 9, don't they? take Dragon Age Origins, the Pc version destroys the Ps3 one, although it's only on 1 dvd9.
so, yeah, I don't get why they say bluray is one of the "keys" for such graphical accomplishments on the ps3?
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