...continues to improve and their recent conference ONLY with
-new Killzone 2 footage
-showing Resistance 2 handling 60 players online
-new Little Big Planet trailer
-Home achievements update
-outselling 360 in Europe
-a 100+ threads of threats from MGS4 to lemms at System Wars alone
...MS minions are JUST NOW coming out of their hides and laying the smack on the PS3??
lesse.., starting with CNet then Aaron Greenberg, and few damage control attempts misreading David Reeve's comment on Home by lemms, and 100+ more PS3 hate threads in a few days, weeks or months..
all i can say is :lol: :lol: :lol:
your precious 360 got outsold and NA is your only shelter..
just hope that NG2, Gears 2, and Fable would be enough ammo to protect you cuz PS3 is taking over...
Wii you're next!! ;) .....auto-shield 'ON'
jk (i love all my consoles)
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