i mean c'mon i know this is a individual site and all but i'd think being the HIGHEST RATED GAME OF ALL TIME AND A MASTERPIECE would separate Super Mario Galaxy from the pack.
A new Mario ending, great physics, great level design, great art direction, great music, what isn't good about this game?
If it doesn't win GOTY here then,... well how can't it? How can a game that dethrones the Ocarina of Time not be No.1 here?
Its just,... that ending. So, unexpected. I mean,... God? I was like "are you serious? God?"
It has tremendous replayability.
Halo 3= 4 hours on lengendary and online multiplayer
Yeah, thats cool and all but Halo 3 doesn't really do anything to advance the FPS genre, nor Halo. (yeah yeah forge whatever thats minor. that can add fun but it isn't that big a deal)
Super Mario Galaxy doesn't just advance platformers, it advances story telling, and game design period.
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