I rather not get into the term of "console exclusive" because if we do that, that will mean that "handheld exclusive," "wii-remote exclusive," "Blue-Ray exclusive," "*Insert compnay name* exclusive," "generation exclusive," "time exclusive," "content exclusive," among other PR terms used for illusion of "exclusive" will need count as well and needless to say - it has, can and will complicate things more than they should be.
And with that being said, for my liking, I am in favor of keeping things simple and saying that, to be simple, not exclusive if it is on anything more than one platform, regardless of what it is - and yes - in my mind, that includes something as obsercure as the Moblie Phone.
Granted, one could make debate on why they feel whether or not it "matters" if it is on different platform, however, regardless - that does not change fact it is indeed on different (second - as in - more than one) platform.
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