I admit it- JRPGs suck. Badly. It's always the exact same stuff, every time:
- Stupid, colorful-haired, homo/metrosexual characters.
Depends on the JRPG.
- The guys always look like girls, and they are almost always white guys.
Depends on the JRPG for both things.
- Totally unrealistic in basically every regard, including storyline and dialogue.
I don't play games to do something I could do in real life; Plus that's what makes them so interesting.
- oh no! Some little kid has to save the world/country/village, while at the same time growing up along the way!
Many, no EVERY story should have some character development, whether that be coming of age, realization of self, etc. If they don't, the story will turn out poorly and will be for no purpose. Not all JRPGs have a young kid as the main character either, some of the best RPGs don't even let you play as the main character.
- Always some sidekick character that looks like an animal.
Erm...agreed they are quite annoying, but not in every JRPG. Just seems to be in many popular ones like FFVII.
- Totally fake weapons.
This one's given. Halo has "totally fake weapons," so does Gears of War, Oblivion, many if not all WRPGs, games set in the future, etc.
- Half hour cut scenes, which in reality are just a self-indulgent yawn-fest. Some JRPGs don't even let you skip the cut scenes.
Don't mind it if it conveys the story better than through gameplay. If you can't enjoy these when they're rarely used (which they are rarely used in most JRPGs), then you shouldn't be playing an RPG, period.
- Always some ridiculously pointless love connection somewhere in the storyline.
Not always, and sometimes it helps develop the characters more, stories don't always have to be about random aliens with no motivation invading earth, you know?
- Totally boring turn-based fighting systems, which require absolutely zero skill. My dog could beat a Final Fantasy boss by randomly stepping on the controller.
You must've been playing some pretty lame JRPGs if you could beat them without actually choosing different attacks. The turn-based fighting is there for strategic depth. Many JRPGs now use ATB, or an Action Battle System, where it plays more like an action game such as Ninja Gaiden or God of War.
What is it about these snoozers that you guys love so much? They suck. When will the gaming world FINALLY be done with JRPGs?
Same could be said for any genre that's in stagnation. Luckily JRPGs are trying to evolve; if only other genres like FPS would do the same...
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