I don't know why, and I regret doing so, but for some reason or another at one time I sold my SNES and all the games I had for it. I don't know why I did but I did. Anyway, I just bought one off of eBay with Zelda LTTP, F Zero, Donkey Kong Country trilogy, and Super Mario All Stars/World combo.
After playing these games I've realized something. The game industry has really changed with their view on what is important in games. These games were so fun to play (yes they had the nostalgia experience, but still). With such a huge focus on graphics and technical things, game devs seem to have forgotten that a fun game beats all of that.
Sure Gears of War is great and Motorstorm and Uncharted can be fun to play as well, but where are all the games with the fairly simple gameplay that are just fun to play? (No the Wii doesn't really have much of these either) While this gen has had some of those games, previous generations such as the SNES/Genesis generation were littered with fun games. Where the heck did all of those go? I think everyone is too caught up in online this and graphics that, that they lose sight of what is really important: how much fun the game is.
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