Hello friends,
Talking about gameplay perspective in general. I dont think there are any other developers today who made gameplay perfect. we have seen CDPR who always make bad gameplay and shallow games, we have seen ubisoft make same copy paste open world generic formula, we have seen Rockstar while make detailed games but thier mission design is scripted and feel more like movie games.
Rest of developers are obsessed with movie games.
Enter id Software, they have been in business since 80s and i remember they have yet to make a bad game (Rage 1 was thier weakest), they always released finish products and thier games always been well optimize. that is why Doom and Doom Eternal are 2 of most praised games on steam with overwelmingly positive.
I mean both have 96% overwelmingly positive on steam. beside Doom Eternal which robbed from every award because not mainstream movie game enough for journalist. it was not get any award instead movie games get awards.
my friends, I believe when it comes to dedication, Gameplay, optimization, finish products. they are only one that are among most perfect gaming developers today.
what do you think? lets discuss
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