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... I think that it could be a good game, just like on PS 3, but don't you guys think that the achievements would be a pain for us Xbox 360 players? "Watch an entire cut scene -350 G. lol, what do u guys think :DGears2TrueStory
you again :roll:
fact: it is not coming to 360, so just give up lemming
... I think that it could be a good game, just like on PS 3, but don't you guys think that the achievements would be a pain for us Xbox 360 players? "Watch an entire cut scene -350 G. lol, what do u guys think Gears2TrueStory
forget about it.Its never coming to the 360.
[QUOTE="Gears2TrueStory"]... I think that it could be a good game, just like on PS 3, but don't you guys think that the achievements would be a pain for us Xbox 360 players? "Watch an entire cut scene -350 G. lol, what do u guys think :D_witenite_
you again :roll:
fact: it is not coming to 360, so just give up lemming
[QUOTE="_witenite_"][QUOTE="Gears2TrueStory"]... I think that it could be a good game, just like on PS 3, but don't you guys think that the achievements would be a pain for us Xbox 360 players? "Watch an entire cut scene -350 G. lol, what do u guys think :DGears2TrueStory
you again :roll:
fact: it is not coming to 360, so just give up lemming
he has only said it about a million times
there was even a recent interview when kojima said how sick he was of ppl asking the same question of wether it will go to 360, and he gave another final answer of NO
[QUOTE="_witenite_"][QUOTE="Gears2TrueStory"]... I think that it could be a good game, just like on PS 3, but don't you guys think that the achievements would be a pain for us Xbox 360 players? "Watch an entire cut scene -350 G. lol, what do u guys think :DGears2TrueStory
you again :roll:
fact: it is not coming to 360, so just give up lemming
goddamn, stop with the mgs4 360 threads
[QUOTE="_witenite_"][QUOTE="Gears2TrueStory"]... I think that it could be a good game, just like on PS 3, but don't you guys think that the achievements would be a pain for us Xbox 360 players? "Watch an entire cut scene -350 G. lol, what do u guys think :DGears2TrueStory
you again :roll:
fact: it is not coming to 360, so just give up lemming
Time. Time will be our "prrof." Time will show us that the 360 will never get MGS4.
I heard from a friend who works for Sony, that Kojima has a 360 version in development, and will be ready for next year sometime.
I also have a friend from Sony, and Kojima said he was making a Wii version of MGS4. Kojima also said snake would get a mario hat.
I heard from a friend who works for Sony, that Kojima has a 360 version in development, and will be ready for next year sometime.
and this is what we call a lie, my friends...
[QUOTE="_witenite_"][QUOTE="Mkavanaugh77"]I heard from a friend who works for Sony, that Kojima has a 360 version in development, and will be ready for next year sometime.
and this is what we call a lie, my friends...
I only speak the truth my friend
schh dont tell him. D'OH, too late, now, he won't sleep tonight
[QUOTE="Mkavanaugh77"][QUOTE="_witenite_"][QUOTE="Mkavanaugh77"]I heard from a friend who works for Sony, that Kojima has a 360 version in development, and will be ready for next year sometime.
and this is what we call a lie, my friends...
I only speak the truth my friend
schh dont tell him. D'OH, too late, now, he won't sleep tonight
says the lemming who lies like there is no tommorrow :roll:
Fan service game that I played for about 2 hours before throwing in the towel.
I'm not going to say my opinion is right or anything because the masses have spoken but imo I can't figure out which is the bigger **** stain, MGS as a series or Akibas pants.
I'm not going to comment on if it will or not.
mgs has cutscenes - true story! its part of the game style, and they are great - and these are probably some of the best I have seen (how they blend in and out of gamepaly - seemless alot of the time)
One thing I would say, although it isn't on xbox 360 - I can't see any reason why it couldn't be (from a technical point of view)
[QUOTE="Gears2TrueStory"][QUOTE="Mkavanaugh77"][QUOTE="_witenite_"][QUOTE="Mkavanaugh77"]I heard from a friend who works for Sony, that Kojima has a 360 version in development, and will be ready for next year sometime.
and this is what we call a lie, my friends...
I only speak the truth my friend
schh dont tell him. D'OH, too late, now, he won't sleep tonight
says the lemming who lies like there is no tommorrow :roll:
U know it is the truth, sheep
I'm not going to comment on if it will or not.
mgs has cutscenes - true story! its part of the game style, and they are great - and these are probably some of the best I have seen (how they blend in and out of gamepaly - seemless alot of the time)
One thing I would say, although it isn't on xbox 360 - I can't see any reason why it couldn't be (from a technical point of view)
Agreed.Technically talking it can be ported to the 360 without any problems.But there are politics involved :) .If the case was only technicall.PS3 owners would have been enjoying Crysis,Halo and GOW.
[QUOTE="Gears2TrueStory"]U know it is the truth, sheep
if u have nothing 2 post, dont post anything at all, all these simleys are wortles u fail.
Lemmings, please stop making threads about this. MGS 4 is NOT coming to the Xbox 360. That ship sailed as soon as Otacon started using a MacBook Pro and Snake started listening to an iPod. There is far too much Sony and Apple product placement in the game for this to ever become a reality.
It's not happening. If you want the game so badly, buy a PS3 or go find someone who's going to let you borrow theirs for a while.
[QUOTE="Gears2TrueStory"][QUOTE="_witenite_"][QUOTE="Gears2TrueStory"]U know it is the truth, sheep
if u have nothing 2 post, dont post anything at all, all these simleys are wortles u fail.
i laughing at your INCREDIBLE fanboyism
witenite, your the incredible fanboy. I ask you, how many times have you posted on a single thread just to defend MGS4s exclusivity?[QUOTE="_witenite_"][QUOTE="Gears2TrueStory"][QUOTE="_witenite_"][QUOTE="Gears2TrueStory"]U know it is the truth, sheep
if u have nothing 2 post, dont post anything at all, all these simleys are wortles u fail.
i laughing at your INCREDIBLE fanboyism
witenite, your the incredible fanboy. I ask you, how many times have you posted on a single thread just to defend MGS4s exclusivity?what, im a fanboy for saying tha mgs4 is exclusive and proving with facts? riiiiiiight :roll:[QUOTE="Dark-Pain"]If it did th eonline would be better. Also the graphics would be better. _witenite_
lemmings :roll:..............
[QUOTE="_witenite_"][QUOTE="Gears2TrueStory"]... I think that it could be a good game, just like on PS 3, but don't you guys think that the achievements would be a pain for us Xbox 360 players? "Watch an entire cut scene -350 G. lol, what do u guys think :DGears2TrueStory
you again :roll:
fact: it is not coming to 360, so just give up lemming
You mean other than Kojima saying no dozens of times. :roll:
It won't, not that 1 game would make me want to buy the PS3 anyway...flowdee79
I'm borrowing my mates PS3 at the moment to play through it
... I think that it could be a good game, just like on PS 3, but don't you guys think that the achievements would be a pain for us Xbox 360 players? "Watch an entire cut scene -350 G. lol, what do u guys think :DGears2TrueStory
MGS4 is not coming to the 360. You probably meant to say, "If a new MGS game came to the XBox 360?" MGS IV isn't going to come to the XBox 360 though. Komani might give the 360 a completely different MGS game in the future. No one knows though.
[QUOTE="flowdee79"]It won't, not that 1 game would make me want to buy the PS3 anyway...angryfodder
I'm borrowing my mates PS3 at the moment to play through it
My friend has a PS3 and he doesn't want it for some reason, I'll have to get him to change his mind so I can play it.
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