I started playing bloodborne like a couple of days ago and when looking in awe how amazing this game looks I realized that this isn't the only reason why I like the souls games so much.
I will never forget when somebody invaded my game in dark souls. I was in blighttown, you know the underground level with the poisonous swamps. I was dead scared, since invasions weren't very common in dark souls I , not for me anyway, I was mostly hollow, and it already cost me blood, sweat and tears getting there.
The first thing I thought was hide, and so it happens that I had a chameleon spell. I ran to one of the islands in the poisonous swamps , hid between a bunch of vases and rocks and changed into a vase myself with the chameleon spell. I waited there, for like a halfhour, I smoked some cigarettes and watched the invader search through all the islands in the poisonous swamps. He came to my island last, since it was farther away than the other islands.
When he got there he was already to one third of his health, because the swamps brought his health down and as an invader he cannot heal. He past me, I changed back to my original form and surprised attack him, he didn't die right away and even almost killed me, this guy was good and very experienced but I still got the better of him.
Now the message I got afterwards is the best hatemail I've ever got. Without exaggerating, he used the f-word about 50 times in just a couple of minutes of shouting , screaming and losing all humanity he had left. It is something that you will only encounter in a souls game.
Having said that, souls games are not only best games in terms of originality, they also have the best artwork, graphics, sound effects, and gameplay. I could kick myself for not playing bloodborne last year, but heck I didn't have a playstation, but now I have...
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