Go hang up your Wii-mote you have reached the point of no return and can no longer tell the difference from a game like Zelda that resembles a childs saturday morning cartoon, to one of the best RPG's on the market. PS3nut
Fallout 3 might possibly be one of the better RPGs of this gen (certainly not of all time), but that doesn't mean much - there have only been, what, two great RPGs this gen, and neither of them are Fallout 3.
Anyway, hm...both Twilight Princess and Fallout 3 were extremely uninspired sequels - the worst games in their series (TP being the worst 3D Zelda, perhaps). At least TP stuck to the classic Zelda formula, which is still quite enjoyable, while Fallout 3 was too dumbed down to compare to the rest of its series.
I enjoyed Zelda Twilight Princess a lot more, so...as much as you can't compare them, I'd say that TP was a better game.
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