Just from the E3 trailer it looks like it. I really hope they don't screw this franchise up like they already did with Double Agent. Splinter Cell is a game about tactical sneaking not about ball to the wall action. 3 things I hope they improve in this sequel.
- Better Story, If your going to try to have a story then it better be good. The story in Double Agent was unfinished and it left me really empty. And considering all the hype and previews about Double Agent you would think that the story would actually be good. Sam also needs to talk more. Hes always been the one who spouts nice, witty, and humorous lines and it really gave him his character. In Double Agent they destroyed that by having his daughter killed.
- Better Missions and Sneaking, When it comes to stealth Double Agent was really far behind compared to Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory. The AI was terrible and sneaking in some of the missions was pretty bad. Sneaking in missions like Kinshasa was terrible in the open daylight missions. And even thoe I like the nice variety of environments in DA they all felt really weak to play and especially the god awful JBA missions.
-Better PC version, I don't know why Ubisoft has this problem with PC games. I mean were did this come from? Almost all the PC games this gen were poorly ported or made. The only decent PC port they ever made this gen was Assassins Creed. Double Agent was one of the worst PC ports I have ever played. The graphics were weaker and the optimizing was VERY BAD. Seriously the PC graphics were ugly as hell compared to the 360 version and it performed like crap! Their were also lots of bugs and glitches in the pc version of the game that are just mind blowingly bad. I was thinking to my self "how the **** did they not see that." Their was a bug in the PC version that ment you couldn't even finish the game. No patch came to fix that and I had to watch the ending and bonus mission on youtube of the 360 version....
Ubisoft has really been lacking in quality lately. They have great ideas but they make terrible use of them.
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