[QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"][QUOTE="NavigatorsGhost"][QUOTE="too_much_eslim"][QUOTE="NavigatorsGhost"][QUOTE="Yellow_Rose"][QUOTE="NavigatorsGhost"] Who cares?
Good luck counting frames online.
Tekken 6.
Obviously you care since you responded to this post.
And Tekken 6 will be announced for the 360. Count on it. ;)
of course, right after MGS4, right?
If you don't think online (and its non-existent lag, LMFAO) is going to affect how non-casuals play VF, then you're completely wrong.
Did you play the game? They played it and experienced no lag. Obviously I am not expecting every game I play to be lag free, but I expect the majority of them to be.Have you ever played VF before? You do know that its the most inaccessible of the popular fighting game franchises? You do realize how tight the controls and fighting system are and how responsive the game is to your button pressing and timing? You do realize that no lag online is impossible? And that even imperceptible lag by you, the player, will still affect this game?
Do you recall when the developers of VF said the game would never be online?
Read through this LINK and you'll understand why:
Dude, who CARES if it's not for casuals? Do you only play games made for casuals? VF5 will be sensational online if the lag is non-existant. The less casuals the better.
- I mentioned that the game is not for casuals to enfore my point of how tight the controls in VF are and how responsive and sensitive the game is. Compare this to DoA. You have a significant longer amount of time to input your moves in that game for them to still register and connect. In VF, the game is not like this. Chaining moves and countering essentially comes down to single frames in VF. If its not precise, the game loses its flow, and the reason for playing it (the tight and responsive control), is gone. It is because of this tightness that VF is not for casuals, because button mashing gets you nowhere in this game. I couldn't care less if casuals play VF or what games are for casuals.
- The game will suffer, even if it has no apparent lag, because there will still be lag that you cannot perceive with your eyes, but you will notice when you input moves and they do not register.
- again, "non-existent lag" is impossible.
I know man. I don't know what the TC is smoking. VC is the fighting genre king. it is not for the usual lagfest casuals on xboxlive. And every and any game has lag. It might not always be aparent but with xboxlives player hosting it will always be there and give one person an advantage.
I have a good connection and so do most of my freinds. Yet i have even experianced lag playing games as simple as super puzzle fighter.
Lag will always be there. Games like VF really can only be settled as to whom is the best in the arcade.
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