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I personally think YES.
people might say ps2, but mine is still workin for 4 and a half years now, and ive even dropped it on the floor from a pretty high up, and it still works like a charm.
On the other hand my 360, freezes once in a while and I just got it a few weeks ago.
For me, yes.Riviera_PhantomI havent answered this question... and yes me too. Ive bought a 360 last dec, and it died this february.
PS2.Pls explain why it randomly died? my ps2 never died on me... And the only issues I know about the ps2 were the DRE, which launch units were the only one affected.
Randomly Died, and cost 120 to have fixed. I had to buy 3 over the course Of this Gen
[QUOTE="mathew952"]PS2.Pls explain why it randomly died? my ps2 never died on me... And the only issues I know about the ps2 were the DRE, which launch units were the only one affected.
Randomly Died, and cost 120 to have fixed. I had to buy 3 over the course Of this Gen
[QUOTE="mathew952"]PS2.Pls explain why it randomly died? my ps2 never died on me... And the only issues I know about the ps2 were the DRE, which launch units were the only one affected.
Randomly Died, and cost 120 to have fixed. I had to buy 3 over the course Of this Gen
I have had DRE's in consoles that were replaced in 2003-2004. I only had 1 slimline break on me though.Â
[QUOTE="Tamarind_Face"][QUOTE="mathew952"]PS2.Pls explain why it randomly died? my ps2 never died on me... And the only issues I know about the ps2 were the DRE, which launch units were the only one affected.
Randomly Died, and cost 120 to have fixed. I had to buy 3 over the course Of this Gen
Just b/c you're one of the few having problems doesn't mean the hardware over all is unreliable, this goes both ways.
Pls explain why it randomly died? my ps2 never died on me... And the only issues I know about the ps2 were the DRE, which launch units were the only one affected.[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"][QUOTE="Tamarind_Face"][QUOTE="mathew952"]PS2.
Randomly Died, and cost 120 to have fixed. I had to buy 3 over the course Of this Gen
Just b/c you're one of the few having problems doesn't mean the hardware over all is unreliable, this goes both ways.
Look it up on the internet. Both have been very unreliable throughout there life.[QUOTE="mathew952"]PS2.Pls explain why it randomly died? my ps2 never died on me... And the only issues I know about the ps2 were the DRE, which launch units were the only one affected.
Randomly Died, and cost 120 to have fixed. I had to buy 3 over the course Of this Gen
[QUOTE="-RPGamer-"]Pls explain why it randomly died? my ps2 never died on me... And the only issues I know about the ps2 were the DRE, which launch units were the only one affected.[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"][QUOTE="Tamarind_Face"][QUOTE="mathew952"]PS2.
Randomly Died, and cost 120 to have fixed. I had to buy 3 over the course Of this Gen
Just b/c you're one of the few having problems doesn't mean the hardware over all is unreliable, this goes both ways.
Look it up on the internet. Both have been very unreliable throughout there life.I have them. Mine are fine. In fact the vast majority will say they work perfectly fine.
I was going of your "just b/c you" statement, and spinning it around. The percentage of successful units far out weighs that of failed units for each respective piece of hardware.
In all honesty with numbers as high as yours I would start to think it's not just a factor of the hardware, but maybe also a factor of the user. I know both have had issues, it would be foolish to deny that, however, I wouldn't call them unreliable pieces of hardware.
ive had the disc reader on 3 of my 4 PS1s break :|Rob2223
A next generation console has to improve on last gen faults which 360 doesn't do at all considering most people are on their 3rd or 4th 360
[QUOTE="-RPGamer-"]Pls explain why it randomly died? my ps2 never died on me... And the only issues I know about the ps2 were the DRE, which launch units were the only one affected.[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"][QUOTE="Tamarind_Face"][QUOTE="mathew952"]PS2.
Randomly Died, and cost 120 to have fixed. I had to buy 3 over the course Of this Gen
Just b/c you're one of the few having problems doesn't mean the hardware over all is unreliable, this goes both ways.
Look it up on the internet. Both have been very unreliable throughout there life. Dude, unreliable yes but 6 360's? you are obviously doing something wrong.Pls explain why it randomly died? my ps2 never died on me... And the only issues I know about the ps2 were the DRE, which launch units were the only one affected.[QUOTE="Tamarind_Face"][QUOTE="mathew952"]PS2.
Randomly Died, and cost 120 to have fixed. I had to buy 3 over the course Of this Gen
I have had DRE's in consoles that were replaced in 2003-2004. I only had 1 slimline break on me though.
4PS2s broken vs. 6 xbox 360s broken, so when did you get your ps2 and 360?[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]Pls explain why it randomly died? my ps2 never died on me... And the only issues I know about the ps2 were the DRE, which launch units were the only one affected.[QUOTE="Tamarind_Face"][QUOTE="mathew952"]PS2.
Randomly Died, and cost 120 to have fixed. I had to buy 3 over the course Of this Gen
I have had DRE's in consoles that were replaced in 2003-2004. I only had 1 slimline break on me though.
4PS2s broken vs. 6 xbox 360s broken, so when did you get your ps2 and 360?[QUOTE="Rob2223"]ive had the disc reader on 3 of my 4 PS1s break :|AB_Uppercut
A next generation console has to improve on last gen faults which 360 doesn't do at all considering most people are on their 3rd or 4th 360
I'm not, my brother isn't and none of our friends that have 360's are. Who are these most people? The must be fierce unfortunate. 360 isn't any more unreliable than the PS2 was and who cares? Ms replace broken units. Don't like that idea then don't buy one.On a side note, can we call the ps3 the most reliable sony console. I mean the launch bearly had any problems besides a couple of harmless freezing.... munu9Yes! I am so surprised. I thought the PS3 was going to be a disaster with all the new tech that's in it, but it has proven me wrong. Mine runs great. It runs cool. And it has yet to freeze, but if it does....that's harmless.
You youngins might not remember but the original NES was a disaster. You had to place the games in just right and had to blow and clean the connectors all the time. But the 360 is a close second imo.Carmilla31Omg. Blowing inside of the console, and blowing in the cartridges always gave me a migraine.
[QUOTE="Tamarind_Face"][QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]Pls explain why it randomly died? my ps2 never died on me... And the only issues I know about the ps2 were the DRE, which launch units were the only one affected.[QUOTE="Tamarind_Face"][QUOTE="mathew952"]PS2.
Randomly Died, and cost 120 to have fixed. I had to buy 3 over the course Of this Gen
I have had DRE's in consoles that were replaced in 2003-2004. I only had 1 slimline break on me though.
4PS2s broken vs. 6 xbox 360s broken, so when did you get your ps2 and 360?[QUOTE="Carmilla31"]You youngins might not remember but the original NES was a disaster. You had to place the games in just right and had to blow and clean the connectors all the time. But the 360 is a close second imo.BioShockOwnzOmg. Blowing inside of the console, and blowing in the cartridges always gave me a migraine. Yea that sht was annoying as hell...
You youngins might not remember but the original NES was a disaster. You had to place the games in just right and had to blow and clean the connectors all the time. But the 360 is a close second imo.Carmilla31Hey but thats after years...AND YEARS of gaming with it. And I can stilll get mine to work to this day.
PS2.Tough luck. Mine is still ticking. And I got mine at launch and it has been played for 10000's of hours...
Randomly Died, and cost 120 to have fixed. I had to buy 3 over the course Of this Gen
ive had the disc reader on 3 of my 4 PS1s break :|Rob2223HA! Yeah:roll: Sorry if that's true BTW, maybe you're just really unlucky...
[QUOTE="mathew952"]PS2.Tough luck. Mine is still ticking. And I got mine at launch and it has been played for 10000's of hours...
Randomly Died, and cost 120 to have fixed. I had to buy 3 over the course Of this Gen
PS2 did have issues for definate. My launch console broke but I got a free replacement.
BUT! One year after launch they rarely broke down unlike the 360. I said it many times before but I am on my second 360 since last September and thats giving me problems also.
And yes I read the manual, gave it plenty of room etc etc
Its so delicate, you don't need to do give so much room with the other consoles or do the other stuff the manual says for other consoles.
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