Its definitely true to a degree.
360 was all about a unifie,d streamlined experience built around social gaming that brought people together. Im pretty sure I heard all those works mentioned a few times during the Sony conference. I mean just look at the PS4 UI, definitely taking a lot of inspiration from the Xbox / Windows UI.
I mean sure Sony may have reached this point eventually had Microsoft not existed in the games market, but whats funny is that the 360 has been doing a lot of what the PS4 will be since 2005, and they got slated for it a lot (cows whining on how features are useless, its all about games blah blah blah)
Except features pretty much *ARE* useless. I honestly don't care about the stuff that PS4 introduced, like being able to "share" your videos, or jump into a friends game in real time. I mean it's impressive and shows how integrated Sony's PS4 is going to be. I'm sure they looked at anything that XBOX Live had that PS3 didn't, and instead of just "matching" it, clearly they set out to completely destroy that. But I think Sony had pretty much showed everything possible that could be useful, and then added even more stuff that to me at least, is not useful at all. I honestly cant imagine MS coming back with anything else that isn't a "gimmick". The one thing I did like about the PS4 is the secondary/custom processor for background/standby processes, as well as being able to save your game at any point,and then INSTANTLY resume when you boot back up. That sounds pretty sweet.
About the only "features" I really care about, are Netflix and Hulu+ - and it's pretty much a given that those are going to be there.
Yeah useless for you maybe. But not useless for everyone else. There are "social" features on the 360 that arent on the PS3 that I use pretty much daily. Microsoft have constantly innovated when it comes to their OS / Online with Sony playing catchup most of this gen. I don't think its accurate to think they'd just stop now, I'm sure they'll have a ton of new features for the new Xbox.
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