I am personally sick of all the WWII shooters, which are all clones of each other. They all have guys named "Baker" or "Jenkins," I've played through countless D-DAY scenes, and each game tries to get your adrenaline rushing by throwing in choir music now (wtf?), and I'm sick of the solider from west virginia making wise cracks in the most annoying accent in the world. I am also tired of the commander with the stereotypical drill seargant voice. Do we want all that in better graphics? NO!
So now we got a new gen on our hands, and I think it deserves a new war theme. We've already seen some modern shooters such as GRAW and RainbowSix, but my vote goes into making a Vietnam game. I understand it's a touchy subject being that the U.S lost that war with awful sacrafices, but game wise, nothing beats stealthy approachs in the jungle and the sound of AKs cracking in the foilage. The only good Vietnam FPS i've played was VietCong. Just waiting in the bushes or a tree, lisitening to the birds and insects, waiting for the enemy..I LOVE IT!
So what do you think?Â
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