[QUOTE="darkslider99"]And there are also plenty of games better than anything the PS3 has to offer. Suliman-Uchia
Wrong PS3 has the best library halo 3 was the worst game ever and Kane & Lynch beast all the 360 games
The entire purpose of this thread is to point out that a score dictates how good a game is. A game that scores 10.0 is superior to a game that scores a 1.0, and a 8.5 game is superior to an 8.0 game.
How can you then say Halo 3, a 9.5 game, isn't hands down superior or equal to anything the PS3 has to offer? Unless a PS3 game has a score of 9.8 or higher, you're wrong by your own standards. Halo 3 is better than every PS3 exclusive by a whole point (Warhawk). Get over it.
Kane & Lynch
Sim City Societies
Halo 2
Halo 1
Dragonball z
Call of Duty 4
Final fantasy Dirge of Ciberous
Final Fantasy X-2
God Of War
Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Forza 2
Final Fantasy 12
Metal ger solid 3
so much more
And if you disagree look at it's score a 8,5 and if you say the reviwers are wrong than you are wrong becasue when we cows said Ratchet did not deserve a 7,5 you did not listen you said the reviews were right.
I agree.
Except for games reviewed before the new review system. Those games should be rounded to the nearest .5. So, for example, a game that scored a 9.2 is a 9.0 and a game that scores a 8.7 is an 8.5.
With that in mind, there is not a single PS3 exclusive better than Mass Effect.
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