So, now that halo essentially has 4 games this generation that we know of so far, it raises a question: What is being milked?
Unlike Mario, there's no halo kart, etc. but everything seems to be halo like.
So I have to ask something: What's wrong with developing a universe? Halo has a very rich one. There is so much crap going on. Tons and tons. This story is larger than MGS and rpgs. However, the actual story presented to the player is more so just from a perspective. And for the most part, it raises tons of questions and really begs details to be answered, which is exactly why I said Halo would continue.
So here's the list of Halo games this generation for those of you who don't know
Halo 3 (september 25th, 2007)--------------------------------Bungie
Halo: Keep it Clean (january 6th, 2009 or june 1, 2009 )----Bungie
Halo Wars (tba 2009)-------------------------------------------Ensemble
Halo Chronicles (tba)--------------------------------------------Wingnut (peter jackson, ryan payton)
And of course there's going to be a inevitale direct sequel to halo 4 (meaning the same gameplay style and as MC), but that's irrelevant to this discussion.
I don't think anyone will question the new Halo game coming out. I think everyone understands that game is doing it how it should be done. Yes, it is technically a spin off, but seeing as how its been in development since halo 3 started, I think we'll all agree that this is a proper full fledged title. The game takes place during parts of halo 2 and 3 and we assume that you're a ODST.
And now Halo Wars- this is a prequel that uses Bungie's fiction (meaning the story is referenced from them). Halo was originally suppose to be a rts afterall, so wouldn't this sort of be a neat idea? In my opinion it is. Almost, although not really, going back to its roots. And it's made by a good dev. C&C3 proved that rtss work on the 360, and that was a pc port. A game built for the ground of for the 360 would most likely work.
And finally Halo Chronicles, otherwise known as the game that we've known about for a bit of time despite it not being officially announced. It is by Wingnut. Yes, it's a new studio, but it's most definately not a cash in- why would they get people like peter jackson, ryan peyton, and those gearbox guys if it were so? I'd imagine that this is the prequel to Halo 1 explaining the MC's past. Afterall, it is suppose to be a more cinematic type game, so it'd be more appropriate of a game to show how he came to be.
So, where do you think we can draw the line between just making spin offs and making spin offs and sequels that a lot of effort are actually put in?
How about where you start establishing a universe? The X-Men series has tons of stuff in it, but introducing a new series wasn't milkage. It was fleshing out the world. Because seriously, I know there's people out there like me who really like this series and universe as a whole and don't really want it to be stuck at 3. Yea, NG can go away, its replacable, same with stuff like Ghost Recon, but Halo is just a good place as a whole and really begs to be like star wars (although not quite like that) with many more stories.
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