@davillain-: You can get the full scope at IGN on March 7th in their first look program.
And to the TC you lack any form of reason. MS is simply under cutting the competition. MS by there own standards are doing really good but its only when you compare how Sony is doing does there seem to be an issue. MS simply wants to close the gap and draw more people in. This is the best time for any XB fan. Those of us who been XB fans have been reaping none stop rewards because of this little spat.
I already gave the PS4 a shot this gen but the experience was dull, boring and not a great value. The true winners are the XB loyalist. Cows only get to rejoice that their pathetic plastic box has sold nearly twice as much as my plastic box. XB fans get to rejoice because our plastic box gives so much more value in gaming with better performance, a quality exclusive experience rather than a mere quantity one, better online and better services.
Having experienced first hand what a PoS, price whore and limp prick PS4 truley is I almost feel sorry for Cows destiny of being feed grass to inevitably to be turned into ground beef. Thus, from a business perspective they feed you the cheapest forms of games and services (the grass), and you reward them with every dime you can spare (the beef). I mean shoot, I had a steak last night and all that creature needed was some water and a whole lot of grass, thats a hella of a deal!
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