once again the PS3 wins what exactly? in a week where HALO REACH made $200 MILIION in one day, in a month where the 360 has outpaced the PS3 in sales leaving it a distant third, in a week where KINNECT has just built even more steam way before it releases.
PS3 won what exactly?? help us out with this............
it seems cows have just gone past desperation mode and into full on delusion.
Maybe they mean like in the graphics threads. You know , they exclude whatever system proves them wrong. So in this case maybe they mean it wins if they exclude Wii/360 and PC.
Thats is a PS3 gamers logic.
How has the 360 proven anybody wrong? You must love the upcoming lineup of kinect titles and zomg a halo title sold well? Who would of thought .
Also to the guy above you the 360 is only selling well here in the states its still getting romped in Japan and is barely beating the PS3 worldwide.
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