Is this all the devs can do? really?
No offense to buyers of their chosen machine but.... RE5 in HD is not a spectacle in 2016... in 2010 i was doing this...
Resi 5 was such an easy game to run, it could be done on a toaster and you'd still of gotten good frame rates.
Exactly so why only port over the PC assets?
Resi 5 was such an easy game to run, it could be done on a toaster and you'd still of gotten good frame rates.
Exactly so why only port over the PC assets?
Because its an easy cash grab? Wake up man, its been the trend since the end of last gen! Why bother putting time, money and effort into new games when you can recycle your existing ones on a fraction of the cost, time and man power.
I hope to hell Resident Evil 7 is something amazing as i'm getting tired of Capcom lately, and i'm a die hard RE fan, always have been :(
I hope to hell Resident Evil 7 is something amazing as i'm getting tired of Capcom lately, and i'm a die hard RE fan, always have been :(
I doubt it. Gaming has gone down the tubes. Its not done for the love anymore, its all about squeezing as much as they can from us and like the good little sheep we are, we just keep eating it up. We're the turkeys voting for Christmas.
If you already have the PC version, the remaster isn't for you. That's okay.
It's not that, sure we may have played the "remaster" already, i'm just pointing out how little was done to the game, it runs on MT Framework engine, the same engine that was used for RECVX HD on PS3/XBOX 360...
I'm more than pissed off that CAPCOM has the audacity to do this, especially with how big PC gaming is, how long it takes for the truth to spread now is very little time, this is not a remaster sadly, at least to me and many like minded people, even those not gaming on PC think this way, except die hard fans of course.
It's not that, sure we may have played the "remaster" already, i'm just pointing out how little was done to the game, it runs on MT Framework engine, the same engine that was used for RECVX HD on PS3/XBOX 360...
I'm more than pissed off that CAPCOM has the audacity to do this, especially with how big PC gaming is, how long it takes for the truth to spread now is very little time, this is not a remaster sadly, at least to me and many like minded people, even those not gaming on PC think this way, except die hard fans of course.
It's a budget $20 release, what did you expect? Yeah, it's pretty much just a port of the PC version, but that's a significant upgrade for players of the PS360 versions.
I mean, they didn't really need to do much. Though they could have gave it a texture bump. At least the shadows are better than PC.
It was one of the most impressive console games last gen, though it's a bit too brown :P
It......looks exactly the same as the original. Why not just make it backwards compatible instead? Same shit.
I mean, they didn't really need to do much. Though they could have gave it a texture bump. At leas the shadows are better than PC.
It was one of the most impressive console games last gen
Shadows are the same sadly.
Though to be fair it's also missing some specular effects on ps4, but the lighting improvement is more important i'd say.
Though to be fair it's also missing some specular effects on ps4
Oh, i have not seen this, i play RE5 with mods (ENB etc) so i just assumed, it's not really a big difference though but it is there.
Why would they turn anything down though??
@rekonmeister: Probably just a mistake in the porting process. Happens all the time with these cash grabs.
Yeah I got on on XOne and it feels like the same game as before. I honestly can't remember how it was on the 360 but I feel like the graphics have not changed, if barely, in this remaster.
Im being supportive here of Capcom because well I like resident evil games but also so these idiots hopefully understand there is interest in some of their franchises like resident evil.
Anyways I like RE5 its fun replaying it....those tank controls lol
Bethesda with skyrim , 2k with Bioshock and Capcom with resident evil , hmm so what's next ?
We're just getting started
but i'd like to see ratchet : future and resistance collections. And skyward sword HD but that's about it.
For fucks sake it's only 20 dollars. People who never played it before can enjoy a new game at a cheap price.
It's even cheaper if you buy it on PC or X360/PS3
@rekonmeister: what if you don't own a gaming PC and sold off your 360 or ps3? Oh man, just found the demographic who fits the sale!
So it only caters to the very few who started with a PS4/ XONE?
Nice excuse.
It's surprising that it's not running at crazy high FPS like the PC version. That version could run amazing on toasters.
Just learned RE4 remaster also coming to XOne-PS4....problem is I finished that game like 20 times on the Gamecube lol....they're basically re-releasing every RE game, well we are getting RE7 soon so there is that at least.
Konami should wake the **** up and release a Silent Hill collection remastered. I'm a little frustrated with these 2 companies to be honest, they used to be my favorites in the industry and look at them now.
@clyde46: Are you talking about Capcom or game companies in general? Because, New Doom had a lot of love put into it. The whole game is like a celebration of the franchise and I love the hell out of it.
Apparently it runs like crap:
Just buy the PC version and run it on a netbook.
Oh well at least Capcom released Street Fighter 5 and Umbrella Corps, as long as those games don't have any issues they'll be fine!
Kinda weird you were doing this in 2010 since the i5-2500k only released in 2011
@rekonmeister: But keep in mind, thats PC. Anyone coming from the PS3 and 360 versions, this is quite the upgrade. Resolution jump. assets jump, FPS going above 30 (apparently more like 50 fps) but at that point it still looks smoother than the last gen versions. The thing i'm holding out for is how split screen holds up. On PS3 it's terrible, dipping into the teens quite often. Re5 is a great co op game, one of my favorites. While it may not be the best RE game, it's a very fun co-op game to me. Also, the steam version doesn't support Split Screen and if you revert to the windows live version you still have to install mods just to get it to offer the mode and recognize more than one controller and then deal with the expired windows live. More work than I wish to do to try and get the game working, this is why I won't give it a second look on PC, I generally ignore all of capcoms releases on PC as they typically have terrible design decisions like this and like Ubisoft, they are a console only developer for me.
For 20 bucks, 15 with BB GC, it's totally worth it for a good couch co-op game! As long as the FPS stays at a min of 30 fps on split screen, i'm going to buy it. And it's cool if you want to fuss around with a ton of mods to get the stupid thing working in split screen on PC, power to you if thats what you prefer. But I feel their are many like me who just don't want to deal with that, some games I will, like enhancements to KOTOR which actually make the game so much superior on PC. But for this, Console all the way.
Apparently it runs like crap:
Just buy the PC version and run it on a netbook.
Oh well at least Capcom released Street Fighter 5 and Umbrella Corps, as long as those games don't have any issues they'll be fine!
That's weird considering the RE6 remaster ran perfectly on consoles, and it had a lot more stuff happening on screen.
When a game like this comes out, I'm more excited by the prospect to play a game I either once loved, or never got a chance to play, on a current gen system at an affordable price.
For here, sure it wasn't RE4 good but it was pretty decent for a 7th gen entry in the series. They successfully did a co-op RE game and I remember playing a ton of this with friends online when it came out.
But, I guess I'm easy, I liked RE6 too, even though I admit its many flaws, but at least I know the game well enough to know what those flaws are. Most people who criticize RE6 have no idea what they're talking about.
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