Ever since the slim came out its been selling like hotcakes. Everyone expected it to outsell the 360 with those black friday sales. How could it not? It sold twice as much as the 360 in one week! Seeing as the NPD thread got 10 pages in under an hour, I want to steal some posters.
1. Did the 360 outsell the PS3 slim because it is loosing momentum? Is it slowing down to the origional PS3 sales and the pricecut is settling in?
2. Did the 360 outsell the PS3 because of Modern Warfare 2? It is the best selling game ever and, since more people have 360s in the US, they would buy the game with the 360. Why would you buy a console for MW2 and pick the PS3? It just makes sense.
3. It could go either way. It was probably a combination of events and an allining of the stars that let this happen.
4. Peh! Sales don't matter. I clicked on this thread because I wanted to make fun of all the people who bring it up! (for the record, they don't matter. But come on, this could be a fun debate. let's go for it!)
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