- http://asia.gamespot.com/shows/the-point/?event=why-the-xbox-is-losing-20130814
- http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/08/13/xbox-one-then-and-now
- Xbox One Fail Compilation - What Went Wrong?? - YouTube
- Opinion: Why I'm Still Not Sold On Xbox One - Features - www.GameInformer.com
- http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/08/13/microsoft_xbox_kinect_backtrack/
SO the list as it stands Microsoft has changed its mind on at least 7 areas most of wich they stood firm on not changing until it became in their finacial intrest that they change.Â
Microsoft would not have changed if they though that it would be to their benifit in the long run, BUT the backlash was SO huge that they ditched their core differences with PS4. Â We all know if Microsot even though that they sale about as many as PS4 they would have keep as many pollicies as Possible but they only have kept the kinect boxed in.... untill they change that also. will it still be the ONE?Â
Microsoft is so damaged by its actions that at the last minute that it uped its MHz of the GPU. Â I thought Microsft said that the consoles were equal in power, or was that just Microsoft's supporters claiming that. Â YET it is now that Microsoft saw the curtin coming down on it that Microsoft boosted its GPU just to compete with the PS4. Â http://www.extremetech.com/gaming/162977-xbox-one-gpu-gets-modest-boost-in-power-to-combat-ps4-supremacy-microsoft-confirms
So here we are 3 months prior to a November launch. Â Microsoft has changed its console to that of the PS4 in almost every way. Now I will be the first to critise Sony for its bad decisions on the PS3 yet PS3 was able to game on regardless of the mess that it made.... and I am sure Microsoft will do the same.Â
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