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I quit the first time because I sold my accounts for $1,244.80. And I've been playing the game for about 17 = $ I made around $900...I quit just before selling accounts became illegal. Now..I'm thinking of going back to play for real...should I...I'm in college...and currently have a 3.7GPA (An Engineering Major)...I have a PS3 and 360...and a full time job... yes or no?-D3MO-
No offense but if you have a 3.7 GPA in engineering why do you need a bunch of (mostly) kids around here to make such a simple decision for you.
Two questions you must answer....
1) Do you want to play again?
2) Do you have the time to play again?
As an engineering major I am confident you can come up with the yes and/or no's required for you to make this simple decision for yourself.
I thought about going back and starting a new character..but then I checked the class forums to consider what class I would play if I did return -- all the complaining I saw there with regards to nearly every class/spec turned me away (at least all the ones I'm interested in: Feral Druid, Shadow Priest, Ele/Enh Shaman, Mage. I refuse to play a Warlock, Hunter, or Paladin...)
I'll probably give it another go eventually..maybe when the next expansion comes out. I usually don't stick with MMOs too long, but World of Warcraft was fun for a little while. Warhammer Online also looks kinda fun, I think I'll give that a try as well once it comes out (never made it in to the beta :(.)
Play if you think you'll have fun and you can moderate yourself in play-time. If you start back up after having quit and spend every bit of your free time playing World of Warcraft, you're going to experience burn-out and tire of the game really quickly.
It isnt good to relapse on a Drug. black_awpN1Anyone can get addicted to any kind of game so whats your point
Unless u have alot of friends who play or want to play again hold off there are many Next generation mmos in development.the1stfandb
None of which look like they will be successful.
If I were you, I'd hold off on WoW or at least find something better. In the long run, the game is going to be a waste of your time and money.
Couldnt the same be said for any game? As long as he enjoys it I dont see the problem or how its anymore of a waste above other games.
Unless u have alot of friends who play or want to play again hold off there are many Next generation mmos in development.the1stfandbthe thing is I have a lot of friends who play and they're like come on dude...and I'm like...idk...I mean I loved the game...but it was a waste of time (not money though :D)
[QUOTE="black_awpN1"]It isnt good to relapse on a Drug. RougehunterAnyone can get addicted to any kind of game so whats your point
My point is ive seen people who look almost exactly like the Characters in that South Park Episode they did on WOW.
It isnt good to relapse on a Drug. black_awpN1
It's not a drug. You can quit at any time, and if you can't, you had problems long before you started playing the game.
Anyone can get addicted to any kind of game so whats your point[QUOTE="Rougehunter"][QUOTE="black_awpN1"]It isnt good to relapse on a Drug. black_awpN1
My point is ive seen people who look almost exactly like the Characters in that South Park Episode they did on WOW.
Me too, console gamers aswell, thats not in relation with World of Warcraft alone.
Anyone can get addicted to any kind of game so whats your point[QUOTE="Rougehunter"][QUOTE="black_awpN1"]It isnt good to relapse on a Drug. black_awpN1
My point is ive seen people who look almost exactly like the Characters in that South Park Episode they did on WOW.
If you mean the really overweight guy that was killing everyone then thats the common sterotype of the typical MMO player. Just becaus a show sterotypes 1 group of people that play it dosnt mean thats how everyone that plays the game is. There are people like that for every game out there. You might as well say games are drugs because anyone can get addicted to any gameEh, I play Guild Wars. Its fun and its free to play.
Zing. Guild Wars isn't as immersive as WoW, but it's less addicting and still very hardcore. Trust me, try it out and you won't be dissapointed, TC.
I thought about going back and starting a new character..but then I checked the class forums to consider what class I would play if I did return -- all the complaining I saw there with regards to nearly every class/spec turned me away (at least all the ones I'm interested in: Feral Druid, Shadow Priest, Ele/Enh Shaman, Mage. I refuse to play a Warlock, Hunter, or Paladin...)
I'll probably give it another go eventually..maybe when the next expansion comes out. I usually don't stick with MMOs too long, but World of Warcraft was fun for a little while. Warhammer Online also looks kinda fun, I think I'll give that a try as well once it comes out (never made it in to the beta :(.)
Play if you think you'll have fun and you can moderate yourself in play-time. If you start back up after having quit and spend every bit of your free time playing World of Warcraft, you're going to experience burn-out and tire of the game really quickly.
Play as a Rogue. PLAY AS A ROGUE. They are amazing, and if they were the only class available to me in WoW, I'd still play. They're ridiculously fun and IMO are the best solo class in the game.
Play as a Rogue. PLAY AS A ROGUE. They are amazing, and if they were the only class available to me in WoW, I'd still play. They're ridiculously fun and IMO are the best solo class in the game.princeofshapeir
My first end-game character was a Rogue.
I actually browsed the Rogue forum and it seems everyone has a "flavor of the month" Combat/Sword talent build. It doesn't seem dagger builds (Mutilate/Backstab) are as viable as sword and mace builds anymore. That's just a deal-breaker for Mutilate and Backstab are alot more interesting than Sinister Strike spam for both PvP and PvE.
I love Feral Druids, which play similarly to a dagger rogue in cat form, but it seems they're the suck for PvP now (mostly thanks to the addition of resilience.) They're awesome for PvE (and I love tanking) but I would probably pick the game back up if they were more viable in PvP. Seems restoration is the spec for Druid PvP they're extremely difficult to bring down. Not my kinda spec, though.
NO... of course!
Long answer: If you've had an account full of high level characters then you know it's all about rep-grind, tiered raiding and a massive and unnecessary time-sink which ever way you look at it. Save your pennies for Age of Conan or warhammer Online and play something better.
Same here man. At the start it wasn`t too bad, hell even when it got into raiding and grinding it didn`t seem like much. Then I downloaded X-fire and realized I was spending 70+ hours per week grinding. Not raiding, as I turned it off for that, but 70 hours a week grinding as a Holy Paladin, with a 41dps mace. It was then that I realized I`d lost my mind. Been clean for 6 months now.
But recently my friend said they need another paly. It was easy to stop untill now, as none of the decent guilds were recruiting, and I didn`t want to have to go with a group learning SSC all over again, but now I don`t know. There are still some drops I want. Dammit why do I love purple so much :(
If you want people to decide whether or not you should go back to it in the World of Warcraft forums man. Don't post in PC Games forum where 80% of the people here hate the game.TheBigBadGRIMThere's one problem with this theory. Now that AOC has released, and when Warhammer Online does release, I'll come right back to this forum, and see a post from someone talking about how much they hate those games. The bottom line is, If a person chooses to pay a monthly fee to play a game, be it whatever, and they don't like it that is "their" opinion of the game so why try to screw it up for someone who has never tried it? The only problem I see with any MMORPG is when people live to play, and forget they had a life before the game. When people put the games before their jobs, family and school they are screwed already. The biggest problem with WOW is that too many 6 and 8 year olds try to act like they're 25 only to blow that by typing #$*%)$( in chat. A dead giveaway if you ask me. So, if you hate a game, take my advice...Stop playing it for good and leave everyone else to form their own opinion.
damn people are willing to pay $1,244.80 for a game account?
good for you, but kinda sad for the people that buy it
If I were you, I'd hold off on WoW or at least find something better. In the long run, the game is going to be a waste of your time and money.
In the LONG RUN, if you are having FUN and SATISFIED with your experience then how in the world is it a waste of money?
Lets use your logic, everygame is a waste of time and money.
[QUOTE="Shad0ki11"]If I were you, I'd hold off on WoW or at least find something better. In the long run, the game is going to be a waste of your time and money.
In the LONG RUN, if you are having FUN and SATISFIED with your experience then how in the world is it a waste of money?
Lets use your logic, everygame is a waste of time and money.
Exactly whats the point in being a gamer when you don't play the funest, biggest most popular game out? I hate it how WOW has this rep of people playing it too much, who gives a flying fruitbat what others do with their life. Don't let others path your choices.Anyone can get addicted to any kind of game so whats your point[QUOTE="Rougehunter"][QUOTE="black_awpN1"]It isnt good to relapse on a Drug. black_awpN1
My point is ive seen people who look almost exactly like the Characters in that South Park Episode they did on WOW.
And his point was that anyone can look like that, it has nothing to do with the game, and everything to do with their lifesty1e.
I quit the first time because I sold my accounts for $1,244.80. And I've been playing the game for about 17 = $ I made around $900...I quit just before selling accounts became illegal. Now..I'm thinking of going back to play for real...should I...I'm in college...and currently have a 3.7GPA (An Engineering Major)...I have a PS3 and 360...and a full time job... yes or no?-D3MO-
I tried going back to WoW after a crazy addiction. It just isn't the same. Try it, but you'll probably be dissapointed.
[QUOTE="Shad0ki11"]If I were you, I'd hold off on WoW or at least find something better. In the long run, the game is going to be a waste of your time and money.
In the LONG RUN, if you are having FUN and SATISFIED with your experience then how in the world is it a waste of money?
Lets use your logic, everygame is a waste of time and money.
You pay $30 ~ $50 for the client, an additional $30 for that year's expansion, plus $180 in monthly fees over the course of a year. First year that means dropping $240 on WoW, the cost of four new Xbox 360 / PS3 games, or eight platnium hits. For some people, it's worth it, they'll play a lot of WoW, and get their money's worth. For other people, it's not worth the money, and it's frustrating to them to have a game that they bought, that they must now pay money for every time they feel like going back and playing it.
That's the primary problem with the monthly-fee model, it's fine when you're playing "more than your money's worth" - if you played 30 hours of WoW in a month, you probably got more than $15 worth of fun out of it - but when you're an occassional WoW game - where you only play say, eight ~ ten hours a month on the weekend, it might not be worth your money anymore. Since a lot of the "best part" of the game involves running some big (long) areas, quests, instances, etc, and to join groups / friends for this you do have to be there more than you might like, it's just not as friendly of a game to someone who doesn't have as much time.
On the other hand, more traditional pay structures let you own your content until you're ready to play on your own time. That doesn't make WoW bad, but it does mean the "value" you derive from it may be different than the value someone else gets from it.
I quit the first time because I sold my accounts for $1,244.80. And I've been playing the game for about 17 = $ I made around $900...I quit just before selling accounts became illegal. Now..I'm thinking of going back to play for real...should I...I'm in college...and currently have a 3.7GPA (An Engineering Major)...I have a PS3 and 360...and a full time job... yes or no?-D3MO-
haha why don't I believe you? Oh wait i know, because i just graduated with an engineering degree and i know how much work it was. There is no way you go to school, have a full time job and have time for 2 video game systems. Sorry bro. If you're telling the truth then you are a master at life.
but the fact that you have to come to these boards and ask if its a good idea to play wow again? Come on... hmm lets see, full time job= 8hrs a day. full time school= 6-8 hours a day. So we are at 16 hours in one day (assumption). That leaves you with 8 hours to sleep. Now throw two consoles in the mix- 1-2 hours a day, maybe less. Add WOW, and you're not sleeping... ever.
and yet you have a 3.7 gpa.
*cough BULLSH*T cough*
There's one problem with this theory. Now that AOC has released, and when Warhammer Online does release, I'll come right back to this forum, and see a post from someone talking about how much they hate those games. The bottom line is, If a person chooses to pay a monthly fee to play a game, be it whatever, and they don't like it that is "their" opinion of the game so why try to screw it up for someone who has never tried it? The only problem I see with any MMORPG is when people live to play, and forget they had a life before the game. When people put the games before their jobs, family and school they are screwed already. The biggest problem with WOW is that too many 6 and 8 year olds try to act like they're 25 only to blow that by typing #$*%)$( in chat. A dead giveaway if you ask me. So, if you hate a game, take my advice...Stop playing it for good and leave everyone else to form their own opinion.[QUOTE="TheBigBadGRIM"]If you want people to decide whether or not you should go back to it in the World of Warcraft forums man. Don't post in PC Games forum where 80% of the people here hate the game.bluedarksun
Don't bump old threads.
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