1. MGS4 - way more people know about the mgs franchise now, the ps2 franchise was mainly a cult fanbase...just a lot of them, but now its all over the place and this game WILL get a lot of advertisement.
2. Killzone 2 - Just because the first is bad doesnt mean the 2nd cant be better, it has a way higher budget, more people working on it, a lot more advertisement, and everyone is looking forward to it just to see if it can live up the standards that everyone has built up on it, Killzone 1 isnt even a factor at all, everyone saw that CG trailer and was like omg, and Killzone 2 dev's actually made it REALLY close to the video, and nobody thought that was possible, so that instilled a lot in people that this game might be better then everyone thinks it'll be.
3. LittleBigPlanet - everyone loves classic 2D games unless you're like 13 or something, and this game has that layout but with everything else you could want, imagine Mario in 2D but being able to create your own levels in seemingly infinite ways? thats awesome, this game most likely wont be a system seller, but it will get a cult fanbase, which is what the Playstation brand is about imo, they make cult games and over time those games turn into bigger franchises that are bound to succeed.
4. LA Noire - I love noir-films, detective-style in the 40s Los Angeles is THE perfect setting imo, it reminds me of L.A. Confidential in game form, Rockstar always delivers when it comes to open ended games like this.
5. Gran Turismo will sell a lot as usual
6. Final Fantasy will sell more in Japan, but you cant act like it wont sell at ALL in the US, theres millions and millions of US people that like japanese culture/games and just flat out love final fantasy, I just got into Final Fantasy like a few months ago and started playing FF7 and FF10 and im looking forward to 13.
7. Resistance 2 - Even though I didnt really like Resistance 1, I thought it was a halo copycat with a different setting, part 2 will definately be better, its gonna have the same formula as killzone, higher budget, more expectations, and the developers have something to prove that they can make a really great game.
8. God of War 3 - I cant stand games like this, but it will sell a lot because a lot of other people like it.
9. Tekken - Pretty much the most known console-fighter
10. Socom: Confrontation and Socom 4 - This is basically THE Sony/Playstation online game, I can confidently say socom is one of, if not the best online experience on Playstation so far, and has a huge fanbase by now.
11. The Getaway - I hated part 1, but im sure it'll get its name heard around like Saints Row
12. A new Twisted Metal ? - even though it hasnt been announced you never know
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