Poll fails for no Wii
Wii- No More Heroes 2 (9.0 first game), Super Mario Galaxy 2 (9.5 GOTY sequel), Metroid Other M, Dragon Quest 10 (AAA RPG), Sin and Punishment 2, Monster Hunter 3, Epic Mickey, Legend of Zelda (AAA which Myiamoto wants out in late 2010), Pikmin 3 (AAA and was annoucned summer 08, how much longer honestly?), Fragile, Tales of Graces (next big Tales of Title), Span Smasher, Tatsunko vs Capcom, Arc Rise Fantasia (good lookin' JRPG), Night Game, and many others
Honestly, though Mass Efect 2 is going to be cool
i'd take SMG 2, Other M, DQ10, MH3, Epic Mickey, Tatsunko v Capcom, Night Game, S&P2, Tales, over the rest any day
let alone not adding in Pikmin 3 or Zelda.........
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