[QUOTE="jazuzu13"] sorry xbox fanboys, owning both consoles, I think the PS3 will outsell the 360. Just look at the history. Which console is still up and running: ps2 0r the original xbox.. it explains it right there. Blu ray won the wars against hd dvd so thats a big deal right there. hd dvd is already outdated. The ps3 is, believe it or not, a much powerful console than the 360. ps3 had a bad start because ps3 was way to powerful for the game makers. they were not used to the technology. next year ps3 will have longer games due to the amound of space on the blu ray disc. when microsoft makes there new xbox "720" the 360 will die because thats how microsoft operates. they always stop working on old stuff. The ps3 will have a 10 year life just like the ps2. the 360 will only have 4 more years to live. The president of microsoft already mentioned it in the magazine that ps3 had more features then the 360 thats why they are working on the new xbox to keep up with the ps3. Sony is the better/smarter company. yes, 360 has better games right now, because 360 is easier to work with. The games are coming for PS3, much better and longer games too. Metal gear solid 4 is a great start! they are making 360 cheaper so people will buy them over the ps3. microsoft knows the ps3 is catching up fast. You really get what you pay for. ps3 has built in blu ray, wifi, free online which is better. Come on now, lets say you buy Madden 09 for both ps3 and 360. why would you want to pay for online for 360 when ps3 is free? they are both the same game and the same features. microsoft is just greedy. I plan on selling my 360 for PS3 games. PS3 is better and it will, sooner or later, outsell the 360! I guarantee you all.
You say you own both consoles but I don't believe you, you are a cow disguising yourself as someone with no biases. The PS3 is not much more powerful, it has the advantage of blu-ray for storage size, but in terms of power the two consoles are virtually even. However, I too think that the PS3 will outsell the Xbox 360 because as High Definition continues to get more and more popular, people are going to want a Blu-ray player, and people who also enjoy games are going to spend the extra $100 and a get a PS3 instead of a standalone blu-ray player, as that is exactly what I did. Ona side note though, I think the 360 will win in software sales because a lot of the PS3 users are going to be using it mostly for movies. I know I still buy all my multiplats on the 360 because of the superior controller, superior online.(don't even bring up the price, most people that pay don't really care.)
Yea, i do own both consoles. And a ton of people use there ps3 more than a blu ray player. did you play metal gear solid 4? did you play siren? Do you know that there are a ton of games coming out for Ps3. (Infamous, little big planet, gran turismo 5, ps home, resistance 2, motorstorm 2, saints row 2, Warhawk 2, Socom, and so much more exclusives) the games will be much longer too because blu ray has alot of space on it! yes ps3 is more powerful, look it up at google. 360 is not even close to even with the ps3. does ps3 break down like the 360. Its more than high definition, the ps3 games next year will be much longer than 3 xbox 360 games put together. Ps3 users use there console for games too, not just movies. superior online for 360 LOL all it does is freeze. you go ahead and waste your money for online gaming. I will laugh at you when the ps3 does outsell the 360. just wait and see. your just a 360 fanboy who will hate to see the ps3 take over so you take it out on people. im not even going to argue with someone who doesn't know who there talking about lol! i pay for 360 online, and i dont care either but where is the money going too? they aren't improving on live at all. I rather pay nothing online. Ps3 is better and you know it. 360 games are pretty much sequals from n64 games or games that are already for ps3 and wii. 360 only has like 4 exclusives that they thought of on there own. ex: halo and fable. other games that microsoft thought of suck. we will just see in the future. and i am getting rid of my 360, im sick of the red ring of death and the freezing online. microsoft should have just stayed with computers.
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